Steam suddenly reset ENTIRELY
I force shut down my ally earlier and upon rebooting, it booted into desktop mode and prompted sign in. After signing in EVERYTHING IS GONE. is there a way to restore an older instance of Steam? please I had hundreds of non-steam games, plus decky plugins and even emudeck...
desktop mode is still normal but Steam is just entirely reset. this is horrifying to me.

2 Replies
nvm I've just come to the conclusion that I'll have to re-add everything :| sucks
there is nothing on our part that removes everything from steam.
the closest would be
ujust fix-reset-steam
which you have to run manually and keeps your games and saves and tries to keep as much of everything else (if we know its safe to keep without impacting the reset of steam) while just resetting the steam client files by removing them so steam redownloads them.