Quick Q on Proxy (Buyee)

Hi all, Just hoping to get some insight from anyone that uses Buyee for their orders from Japan. I placed a bid on an item using the button “Win now for buyout price” and I received an email from Paypal saying that I had authorized a payment. However, it’s been almost 10 hours since then and the listing is still up and it’s not showing up on my orders page. Anyone have any experience with something similar happening? My last few proxy orders all went through within minutes so this is throwing me off, especially with the auction ending in 7 hours. Should I just try again and hope I don’t get double charged?
3 Replies
Soup4mo ago
It takes some time to process. You are effectively sending an instruction to buyee to purchase the item on your behalf from the auction site So you have to wait for them to get your request and make the purchase
kyn4mo ago
I had this experience a few weeks ago Just chill on it for a day or two
JusPassItToWillOP4mo ago
Thanks! I’ll calm down, haha I only have a few hours left on the auction but if it ends up not going through it won’t be the end of the world either The auction ended before they made the purchase 🥲 but it was reposted immediately (and the link looks to be the same) so hopefully they can just purchase it in a few days In case someone looks up this topic in the future, apparently Buyee has a glitch with Second Street for some items. If you run into my issue you have to go to the Yahoo Shopping section and find the same item listing and purchase through there instead of Yahoo Auctions. It should work and you won’t be charged for the auction bid

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