Does Vyse have the ability to teleport?

What the hell happened here?
11 Replies
ˇ•4mo ago
Vyse has legs brother
Yes, but her ability to use the legs are blocked by one little case... My Killjoy's eyes!
ˇ•4mo ago
You did NOT have market on your screen for a few solid seconds just unlucky timing
ˇ•4mo ago
The spot Vyse came from
Yes, instead at that point I jumped up and saw practically the entire platform.
ˇ•4mo ago
As aforementioned, unlucky timing, she already swung all the way to the corner of that platform apparently, which was not on your screen when you moved up the stairs
She would have not only had to stand on the very edge-corner of the area for me to not have seen her. But then she just randomly appeared in the center of it.
ˇ•4mo ago
She probably heard Sova walk down Lane and wanted to look if she can see him Brother just accept that your play was outright bad and she was just lucky to have the timing + be at the very corner off your screen
Either far too lucky having gotten to that very outer corner or far too lucky having friends defending them even in the most foolish situations. Oh well, I guess that I just don't have the luck for any of it. 😋
ˇ•4mo ago
Low elo is the most unpredictable in the whole game, if this was higher elo I'd be more inclined to think something fishy is going on here ^^

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