
I got the BSOD during a TDM and got a week ban in competitive.

I’ve been crashing for the past 24h every half an hour during swift plays and today I played a TDM and got the BSOD and joined back halfway. I was only disconnected for 5 minutes or so but received a 7 day ban for comp and only a 1.5hr ban from every other playlist. How. How. How. so didn’t even go afk in comp, it was a TDM.
3 Replies
Jidat4mo ago
Can't rly do anything about the ban but the bsod can be fixed prob If u could show the error code it gives u
Schmick3mo ago
see the pinned messages in #general for a possible work around
mmmm3mo ago
delete overwolf for the time being until there is a fix

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