It isn't letting me change my Riot ID even though it's been more than 90 days... What do I do?

10 Replies
It doesn't help when I change the ID
And I know it's been more than 90 days because I tried this in the summer and it wasn't working then either.
I think it just doesn't like the name you have chosen
when it says "that riot id is unavaliable" it legit just means your name has to be exclusive.
yeah lol
either the id is innipropriate or its taken.

if it hasnt been more than 90 days it tells you aswell
BDG_Player #BDG ain’t exclusive enough?
Also someone tell me why t t v is blocked from the server
to avoid people advertising
if it says "unavailable" you need to chose another name. also im pretty sure that you cant have any special characters in your name. so try removing the _ -> ( BDG Player#BDG)