I dont understand
I have been playing with my friends (the other silver on my team) a bunch. We have been doing quite good. Winning most of our games. But yesterday we got placed in this lobby and for the lack of a better word, We got destroyed. We won the first 3 rounds and then got 0-9d. And we got a leaver. I just dont get how we as silvers got placed in such a lobby
3 Replies
Game looks pretty equal, it's late at night so the game was forced to match you in a lobby
and most likely you both have good MMR
But isnt this lobby kinda harsh? Like i get being placed with high golds sometimes, Ive played enough competitive games to get that. But playing with a diamond isnt something ive heard about before
Some people say there are such things as (your invisible rank) meaning what you play as
say your iron but you play betetr than iron
sometimes they place people with harsh lobbies thinking that on such a win streak you must be playing better than a silver
hence, why you got placed in such lbby
(my guess