What agent to pick?
I took a break from valorant. Dropped from silver to the middle of iron and bronze. I know I need to focus on aim cus my game sense is good, just can't headshot. So what agent should I pick.
P.S no Reyna or jett I tried and don't work
12 Replies
For comp btw
Cypher :val_HeyApple:
Works well on basically every map in the pool rn
Also people run into trips evrytime in bronze
Any youtubers you would recommend for learning cypher
can we play valorant
Uh acre peak dingy spawns
And u can always just look up setups on yt by other creators
how are u not iron if u cant head shot
i can headshots ezly yet still a harstuck iron 1
I got 26% headshot but die to crouch peek and stuff
I guess you don't have enough gamesense or don't know how to utilise movement
Learn how this mechanic can be abused and then swing off people who are crouching insta
Just strafe for half a second whenever u see an enemy and i guarentee u will get the kill 95% of the times if they insta crouch
They won’t crouch if you don’t give em time to
damn real 😔
literally just practice mechanics, shit like reyna allow you to use ur mechs to the fullest which is why people probably reccomend them to you