Riot Error 512
Hello This Happens in my customers that own a lanshop how i report this issues concerning about this?
it appears this was a hardware ban .

5 Replies
Yep that is a hardware ban and they can't play the game on that hardware for 4 months
And the account is permanently banned
Any other account that they might login using that hardware will also get banned
If u want to appeal the ban
:valQuestion: The community help forum is managed by the community and does not offer any official Riot support. You can create a support ticket at for official support.
Make a ticket with support if u wish to appeal ^
the account of the customer isnt ban he tried on different pc , it works
but when they login in the same pc with riot 152 error they cannot login , i handle cybercafe management

Hm weird the account should've gotten banned alrdy. Could u make an entirely new account and login to that account on the pc with the 152 error?
If that also shows the error then just the pc's hardware is banned