voice chat not working
Hello, ever since i started playing valorant again(2 months ago), i have been running into this problem. It shows that everyone is muted including myself, i cant talk or hear anyone even though my friends voice is working, (sometimes it works for a round or 2, or maybe 1-2 swift games, and then again, quiet again) we have the same internet provider, i checked everything in valorant settings, set up exception with the firewall in windows, rebooted / set up my router in the router settings, even set dns adress and things like that, and many more. I even reinstalled windows 2 times. i am on windows 11 pc, this is kinda my last hope. I made a ticket already to riot sent my logs and all but it didnt help. Please let me know if u got a fix, thank you for your attention and time.
85 Replies
Alt f4 once on the loading screen and relaunch
You might miss the first round or so but chat should be fixed
thank you, ill try that when i play valo again and let you know.
hi, its been a while, i have tried this, it doesnt work :(( , thank you for trying to help :)
Hey what's the issues @buffynote
Can you elaborate
This. I tried absolutely everything riot told me, found online, on reddit, here, and still doesnt work.
Last resort is to change internet providers, i have been suspecting maybe this could be the cause, because the internet and the riot account are the only things that dont change when i change up settings, reinstall windows and all of those things. But at the same time, its weird, because my friend also got the same internet provider, and he doesnt have this issue.
Maybe it could be my router, but i have ethernet so i dont think that could be the issue. I have also tried wi-fi, and it still doesnt work.
It’s a server problem
Nothing with your connection or rote
Yea, this could be the main problem, because sometimes it works sometimes it doesnt, its been happening for over 2 months now, lately it doesnt work at all, my friend didnt have this problem, and still doesnt have it and we live close to eachother so i dont know what the server has with me but it is what it is ig. It just annoys me because i cannot play ranked, it affects my communication with my team and some info can be crucial to winning a round / game. It wouldnt be fun for me or for my teammates, and so i am stuck playing unrated or swifts, i only play swifts most of the time. Thank your for the info :)
Should have been fixed today because mine is
Was there an update? Hopefully mine is fixed aswell, glad yours got fixed! 🙏
Ive been having this bug for the past 3-4 updates ngl and its frustrating how everyone is muted and had to contact valorant support couple of times to keep checking for updates on this, i thought after this update it would of been fixed but it hasnt been still stuck in silent hell😂
yea, it sucks being in a quiet place😅, hopefully it gets fixed..
@Dee Hi, so ive been looking at some fixes on this server, and found some things. First i did this.

shoutout to @montage (sorry for tagging)
Unfortunately im on console 😦 so im cursed
i also installed cloudfare warp, maybe it is on console
2 games in and it works for now
and i have lower ping :)
a day later, the issue still persists even with everything that ive done yesterday :((
i played on my friends account and voice works, ...... on my acc it doesnt, any ideas?
@buffynote did u find any fix
rn i am checking a thing i did
i made a riot ticket again, and tried port forwarding, checking rn to see if it solved the problem
I have been facing this issue for months
Voice works for some games
for now it works
the first time
in 2 months
But when playing with friends it only works in the lobby
party voice working instantly when i join my friends
How did u do it
port forwarding
Any steps on how to do it?

i sent you the youtube video with a tutorial in dms
Thankss I will give it a try and let u know
ok, for now first game, it works, ill let you know if i get the problem in the future
funny thing is, voice worked perfectly fine on other accounts...idk why on my main it doesnt, rn its buggy, works for 1-2 minutes then doesnt for a while and then works again
hopefully it ll work all the time
I didn't try other accounts, might work on them
yea for me it works i have tried 3 different accounts and have no issues....only on my main i have this problem, which seems, even with port forwarding to not work....
I disabled my ipv6 option works when playing without friends
i ll try that too
Did u play the game on other internet?
If it does not work kn other networks as well then the issue is not with ur ports maybe
i have ethernet, i have tried wifi aswell, maybe ill use my mobile data to hotspot wifi to my pc :)(
yea but the thing that infuriates me the most is
My voice chat does not work on other networks also like my universe or friends
that on other accounts it works....
I will try the other accounts tmrw
So now I was playing without my friends and it worked seamlessly
Like alway
for me it didnt work once in the last 2 weeks :)((
i wouldnt be so mad if all the other accounts had the same problem, but no.....only my main, the one i actually wanna play on yk:((
Yeah I get it , so frustrating
no luck :(( still doesnt work even with a rioters help aahahahah, imma go sleep now cuz i am so done with valorant for the day, maybe i ll get it working tomorrow, ig, ill update you, hopefully it fixes it for you atleast :)
Are you in a party when playing? As consoles when you're in a party you can't hear game vc. Call of duty for example
Nope im not in party and its been ongoing fot 3 months now lol
Update : after 5 days of talking with riot, it still doesnt work. I did everything they told me to do and solved nothing... It works perfectly fine on 3 other accounts that i tried, 1 brand new, 2 of my friends accounts, but not mine, i guess mine is just cursed :)(

maybe this will work for you guys.
So the voice sometimes work on my other accounts but for part only
After 8 days this is what i got.

Maybe it ll be fixed next update, but i dont have high hopes.
One thing that always works for me is when the game starts and the loading screen (names and agents of players yk) I close it from task manager and run again as administrator
Sometimes miss first round but works
I tried this multiple times but didnt close it from task manager just alt f4, and then just run, without administrator, ill try and let you know, thanks for the info
Hi. The big update is here, solved nothing, i also tried what you said @Shehbaz Shareef but it doesnt fix anything for me :( Atleast it works for you :)
Wish u luck you seem like a nice guy
😄Thank you very much!
Yw man
I've had this problem too since I've started
damn…riot gotta lock in :))), when i get home ill send here all the “fixes” riot gave me, maybe something will work for you
Can u dm me the "fixes" they sent you? Maybe it can work for me or smth, I'll try to find some answers for us too tho
I've seen some solutions for this but it costs money that's actually outrageous
Anyone still having this issue
Yes, i still have it.
hey, i also do too
i'm trying all the solutions you guys mentioned in this chat and i'll let you know.
good luck, hopefully it will work for you 🙏
hey again, it didn't at all hahahaha
we all have the same issue, it doesn't work on my main but does on my alts
my friend logged on my main, it didn't work for him neither
i guess riot has beef with some accounts xd
Hi @buffynote is yours fixed atm?
idk, havent been playing val lately
i got sick of this bug, and just stopped playing, ill check today and i ll let you know.
mine still doesn't work lolll
i even asked riot about a data transfer to another account, bc its an account problem but apparently they can't?
they didn't give me a reason but honestly i don't understand why they wouldn't be able to do that, maybe its more complicated than that
@Schmick sorry for the ping, but are you able to answer that question if you're free please?
damn, tbh rn i dont really care anymore cuz i stopped playing valo, but it pissed me off a lot, and still irritates me cuz i actually bought some skins while having that bug, thinking itll be fixed soon, what a waste of money that was, and now they are blocked on an account that has a voice bug..
not sure exactly which question you mean but if you mean why voice chat isn't working, no.
i wouldn't have any idea. that sort of thing isn't my area
yes i know this, i just wanted to know why exactly the data transfer isn't possible? because in this chat we have a common issue : our voice chat doesn't work only on one account, whatever we do it doesn't work. even if we log in with another pc, ect. wouldn't it ( data transfer ) be useful in this case? we create another account -> data transfer and everything gets resolved
we're in the same issue, i've put money on this account and its been a year. i'm diamond 2 right now and my games are really toxic bc my mates just irritate me because of that
they would blame me for comms but i can't do anything loll
oh, yeah, we have no way to transfer data between accounts. that's not a thing we support so there's literally no way or tooling to do it.
okay i understand, thank you for the answer !
yea... i only played swift because of that reason, i know i could hinder their gameplay by not communicating and stuff
and just chose to play swifts
if u want a little trick
you can go in a custom alone, and in the agent selection u turn off/on ur voice chat and it will work
and then start a game and it will work more often
its like rolling a dice but its better than nothing lollllll
yea its weird af, i was in a custom game once
my voice was working, a friend joined me and it bugged
yeah it's always like rolling a dice i swear
yeaaa:)))((( but u are playing against house
and u mostly lose xd
there are many ppl with us in this case but somehow their problem got solved completely and not ours?!?!
@buffynote finally !!!!!
a voice chat fix happened earlier on the game
after 1 year for me no more issues 😭🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾
niceeee, happy for you, might try to install valorant to see if it was solved for me aswell.
Did u try?
after a long time, i reinstalled valorant, and the problem is still here lol, after so much time it still isnt solved , smh