Cloudflare Bot Fight Mode blocking my domain from Flipboard

I have a Medium publication that uses a custom domain name. It’s just a simple redirect. But the domain is hosted by Cloudflare. In the past I could easily share a story from Medium to Flipboard, and I still can from any of the native Medium publications. Just not from the custom one. I was told by Flipboard that: “Couldflare recently made some changes that resulted in Flipboard being blocked in Cloudflare’s Bot Fight Mode. However, this has been fixed now. Please allowlist these two user agents: “Flipboard” and “FlipboardProxy” and these two proxy IP addresses: and” I am a creative, not a tech person. I know nothing. But I did some research and figured out where WAF was under Security. I created a custom rule listing “Flipboard” and “FlipboardProxy” as user agents, and the two IP addresses: and I chose SKIP as the action. Still blocked. I see that “Flipboard” doesn’t appear to be the desired format for a user agent value. It appears to be something closer to “Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; Intel Mac OS X 10.6; en-US; rv:1.9.2) Gecko/20100115 Firefox/3.6 (FlipboardProxy/0.0.5; +” Tried that as well. Nothing. I also tried going back to just “Flipboard” and “FlipboardProxy” and making the value CONTAINS. I’m certain this is all stupid and I have one thing missing or wrong. Please help.
32 Replies
Hello, I’m Allie!
Are you on a Paid Plan?
David Todd McCarty
David Todd McCartyOP5mo ago
No. A free plan. Forgot to say that. Also, the domain is is that’s needed.
Hello, I’m Allie!
On the paid plans, you have access to Super Bot Fight Mode. Regular Bot Fight Mode does not abide by any rules you set, it is either on or off I would recommend disabling BFM, and instead building some more tailored firewall rules if necessary
David Todd McCarty
David Todd McCartyOP5mo ago
Oddly, it appears mine isn’t even on. Unless I’m misunderstanding that as well.
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Hello, I’m Allie!
Yeah, that's weird. Can you trigger a request from Flipboard, then check your logs? I'm curious what else could be blocking it
David Todd McCarty
David Todd McCartyOP5mo ago
IDK. I’m so ignorant. If I look at the logs, it would appear there’s been zero traffic for the last 30 days. But these stories are being read. Everything else seems to work fine. It’s worked for over a year and suddenly stopped.
David Todd McCarty
David Todd McCartyOP5mo ago
When I contacted Flipboard, I was told this. Then when I asked follow up questions they told me they’d done all they could do and to contact Medium. Nice.
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David Todd McCarty
David Todd McCartyOP5mo ago
When I go to that link, I go to the main dashboard. If I look at logs, lots of traffic. I have three domains on there. But for the one in question, if I check its logs, nothing.
Hello, I’m Allie!
David Todd McCarty
David Todd McCartyOP5mo ago
Sigh. The domain seems to work fine. It just can’t be shared to Flipboard. I don’t want to pay $20/month just for that. I could just use Medium and forgo the custom domain, but that sucks. I’m sure I screwed something up somewhere. It’s like reading stereo instructions in gibberish.
Chaika5mo ago
Do you have log requests on for your Skip Custom Rule? You're going out further to like 24 hours with Security Events, right? and still not seeing anything? errr, under DNS -> Records, do you even have the record with the name proxied?
David Todd McCarty
David Todd McCartyOP5mo ago
I have log requests enabled. Looked at 30 days. I barely know what the means, but I can look.
Chaika5mo ago
Under DNS -> Records of the website, you should have a record which looks something like this:
No description
Chaika5mo ago
Should say either "Proxied" or "DNS-Only" is the bit of information I'm looking for
David Todd McCarty
David Todd McCartyOP5mo ago
No description
Chaika5mo ago
cool so none of your CF config even applies Medium uses Cloudflare though, for their custom domains as well How do you know they're being blocked btw? Does it show the exact error/code/headers on their end, or just something more vague?
David Todd McCarty
David Todd McCartyOP5mo ago
Much more vague. Hold on.
David Todd McCarty
David Todd McCartyOP5mo ago
“David Todd McCarty” is the name of my Flipboard Magazine. Normally. It would say, successfully flipped.
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David Todd McCarty
David Todd McCartyOP5mo ago
If you look above, you’ll see the message I got from a Flipboard admin saying it was a Cloudflare issue.
Chaika5mo ago
which url is that? I know nothing about Medium, but it looks like all your stories are flagged as "Members Only"?
David Todd McCarty
David Todd McCartyOP5mo ago
Chaika5mo ago
right but I meant which specific blog post/exact url was trying to repro from curl to see what response I'd get
David Todd McCarty
David Todd McCartyOP5mo ago
They are, but that’s never been an issue in the past
David Todd McCarty
David Todd McCartyOP5mo ago
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Chaika5mo ago
When I sent a non-browser request, like with the user agent you gave, I get just a redirect to their login page looks like
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Chaika5mo ago
I'd assume that's scraping protection, maybe due to it being a non-member story
David Todd McCarty
David Todd McCartyOP5mo ago
I can share any other Medium story because none of my other pubs have custom domains.
Chaika5mo ago
I'm not sure of the full integration here, but I'd guess that's closer to the root of your issue. If Medium lets you bypass for specific IPs or something then probably related. Your cloudflare configuration has nothing to do with this though, you don't have proxy enabled, so none of your settings apply. Medium itself does use Cloudflare though, but it'd be an issue on their end/their config
David Todd McCarty
David Todd McCartyOP5mo ago
They’re all Member only reads. But you can still see the intro and I include a friend link at the top. Ok. So check with Medium?
fry695mo ago
Yes. As a basic rule: Unless you use the Cloudflare proxy (orange DNS entries), you use Cloudflare only as a fancy manger for your DNS records/nameserver, nothing more. Cloudflare cannot control what happens with HTTP requests then.
David Todd McCarty
David Todd McCartyOP5mo ago
Ok. Thanks everyone. Appreciate the effort.

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