Recommendations on some nice quality sweaters?

I am looking for some nice seasonal sweaters. I'm a fan of pop-culture/unique trendy sweaters as opposed to just nice classic single color or whatever. A recent one I liked was: But its fast fashion which is okay but would like to get something more quality and sustainable.
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9 Replies
raisinpie5mo ago
You can find a lot of cute sweaters secondhand, which is more sustainable than buying new. What's your budget?
EphemeralDustOP5mo ago
Totally, been looking and just haven't spotted anything locally that I am a big fan of secondhand. Maybe need to try online secondhand. Budget is probably up to $100ish for a single sweater, but lower is better if it lets me get a nice variety.
kyn5mo ago
There are, no joke, literally thousands of sweaters available secondhand under $100 just on eBay.
EphemeralDustOP5mo ago
Well yes, which is part of the problem. I was hoping for recommendations on specific sweaters rather than just to browse ebay for hours.
raisinpie5mo ago
No doomscroll with us it's a lot of fun trust me it's really rewarding I swear
kyn5mo ago
Unique and trendy tend to be at odds. This is a sweatshirt not a sweater, but there are sweaters with prints or knit / embroidered patterns and graphics. You can narrow an eBay search using Boolean operators like (graphic, Japanese, anime, cat) and using the filters for size, price, material, sleeve length, collar type, color, etc.
EphemeralDustOP5mo ago
Didn't realize their was a difference between sweater and sweatshirt, so i looked it up and i think its a regional thing. But yeah, i guess sweatshirt is more in line with what I am looking for then.
kyn5mo ago
Ah ok. I don’t personally know of a ton of graphic sweatshirts in that price range. You might want to search for bands, places, brands, events, etc that you like. here u go in the interim
Spuck5mo ago
100% personal bias but (yes actually getting it from Japan to wherever will be an issue, but they're a really fun brand)
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