Wiseguy halloween costume
long story short, i'm going as a mobster for halloween and i'm a tryhard. so far my costume is basic tailoring, dress shoes & fake gold jewelry, but it doesn't feel like its 100% there yet. i think the fabric of the coat, shirt cuff and the jewelry and etc. hit the spot perfectly(pic 2), but the jacket is a bit tight up front (hence the button extension) and i'm unsure about the tie/shirt pairing. what might help nail a 60s-80s mobster look? i'm not gonna go ballistic because its a costume for a college party but i do want a degree of authenticity without looking too corny or overkill; hats are out of the question for this very reason. :) any thoughts?
10 Replies
60s to 80s covered a wide range of fits if this is your intended reference and goal
the lowest hanging fruit imo would be a briefcase but if you're able to find a bigger jacket with bigger lapels that would be ideal
or alternatively find/make a tall skinny microphone and go as a 60s gameshow host; ask partygoers fun questions for the bit
frankly without a hat or an accessory you just look like a guy in a suit
if you want anyone to think youre a mobster youre gonna need a fedora and a prop weapon both of which are out for obvious reasons
60s gameshow host is a great save honestly
fake coke nail
if you're going for 80s
i'm not opposed to a prop tommy gun or something as much as i am to a hat
my end goal is look like i walked off the set of Goodfellas(or maybe Casino), which as i write it out gives me a couple ideas for improvement (spearpoint collar shirt, carry a paper bag en lieu of a pistol etc.)
prop tommy gun is gonna get the cops called and paper bag is gonna look like you forgot lunch
what about a fake mugshot thing
the sheriff's office thing
i think that would communicate it
i like it
ditto on the tommy gun thing but with the paper bag i was referring to this scene: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J27x73zPKcE
Game show host with mic and cards is a great idea.
When I think of easy mobsters costume I think big, pin stripe suit from the 20s
Or pick someone from a particular show/movie and try to emulate