Too little RR gain

So, for the last 20 games, ever since new act, ive been getting really low rr gain. I thought it was because of my mmr being too low, ive been getting queued with lower ranks, but thats the opposite. The lobby is around 6 gold players and 4 plat players. I do very very good and have good usage util, and even when I match mvp I get so little RR
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20 Replies
Monkeh (Oily)
Monkeh (Oily)OP5mo ago
For example, the last game I mvped with 29/14/2 as you can see. I thought id for sure rank up and even double rank up, but instead I got ONLY 19 rr. One plat2 enemy chamber and plat3 ally omen that has been afk since 3-8
Monkeh (Oily)
Monkeh (Oily)OP5mo ago
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Monkeh (Oily)
Monkeh (Oily)OP5mo ago
My combat score is also pretty weird. I have way more kills, less deaths and only 4 less asissts than my teamate jett, although I am only 13 combat score points higher I get more rr when I do worse. When I dont team mvp or match mvp, I literally gain around 20 rr, its crazy. Riot please fix this
Monkeh (Oily)
Monkeh (Oily)OP5mo ago
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Monkeh (Oily)
Monkeh (Oily)OP5mo ago
This game I got 22rr, not even close to match mvp
keiru5mo ago
you get more combat score for killing enemies depending on how many are left alive most likely still an MMR issue the game thinks you're better than your lobby, hence you get less gains not attacking you, but looking at your assists, especially on breach - I don't think that's very good util usage
Monkeh (Oily)
Monkeh (Oily)OP5mo ago
Its good util usage cause im the one entering I use util to clear site and make kills for me I play breach like duelist Kills are better than assists If I didnt play breach I wouldve been bottomfrag
Monkeh (Oily)
Monkeh (Oily)OP5mo ago
Lost the rankup to smurf
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Monkeh (Oily)
Monkeh (Oily)OP5mo ago
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Monkeh (Oily)
Monkeh (Oily)OP5mo ago
Cause +19 @keiru
Monkeh (Oily)
Monkeh (Oily)OP5mo ago
I changed my ways for the better
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JSN5mo ago
This is a normal rr gain
Monkeh (Oily)
Monkeh (Oily)OP5mo ago
Nah I usually win like way above 20 on a match mvp 26-29
JSN5mo ago
The ones I see were 13-10 13-11 The higher your rank, the less the gain is based on individual performance.
Monkeh (Oily)
Monkeh (Oily)OP5mo ago
I usually won But now I win way less
keiru5mo ago
sup who pinged me yo average gold lobby breach entry ☠️ I respect it I play breach in a different elo but I respect the breach entry LMFAO ehhh depends
Monkeh (Oily)
Monkeh (Oily)OP5mo ago
I now lost 2 games And cause i was 3 rr from rankup I am now sitting at 50 rr None of this wouldve happen if riot didnt have rr system so bad.
keiru5mo ago
while the system is in fact bad you can't really blame it entirely it also comes down to how you play as an individual
Monkeh (Oily)
Monkeh (Oily)OP5mo ago
Im now -80 from rank up So funny and cool and funny and cool I can feel the sanity fading away I can smell another 1 year ban incoming If I am ascendent 2 peak and after 1 year of ban im in gold lobby cause of my fwcking teamates From 97 RR almost rank up, I am now 10 RR ITS INSANE I AM TOPFRAGGING EVERY GAME I AM ASCENDENT! THIS GAME WANTS ME TO SMURFS AND NO MATTER HOW GOOD I DO I EITHER DONT GAIN ENOUGH RR OR I LOSE CHIPING AWAY FROM MY LEFTOVER SANITY
random5mo ago
you are gaining +19 its good your mmr is under ur rank which is why you are losing more then you gain

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