Tunnel dont work

Hi. Im new to cloudlfare so i have followed many guides on youtube. Ive got an domain, succesfully registert on cloudflare. And i have made a tunnel, but on my tunnel the Routes section is empty compared to the guides ive watched. Tried to set up an route but i cant get it to work. Can someone please help me guide through this?
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11 Replies
fry69•5mo ago
Worked for me with setting up a public hostname and a service pointing to http://localhost:[some port] Looks like you can edit/configure the tunnel while it is running, but I have not tested this part yet as the tunnel works and I do not want to make it not work 🙂
S.OllyOP•5mo ago
Thats the problem. when i set up a publichostname it wont work. Like now i started an docker running overseer on my server. i can access the web ui locally with the ip and port. But i cant get the domain adress to work
fry69•5mo ago
The public hostname must be managed/proxied by Cloudflare of course for this to work. With Cloudflare as the authorized nameserver for this domain it should work out of the box (it did for me).
S.OllyOP•5mo ago
In the DNS Records the hostname wil apper and it says proxied. Is there something wrong here?
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fry69•5mo ago
This looks like similar to my DNS entry so I guess that part should work. The only other thing I did was setting the service to http://localhost:[port] (note http, not https), similar to a reverse proxy setup.
S.OllyOP•5mo ago
I have tired both. But im not sure my DNS settings are right, did see someone set an A and AAAA type DNS with ivp4 and ivp6.
fry69•5mo ago
Don't touch DNS, let Cloudflare manage all this or things will break. Fell free to look at DNS and verify if it looks sane of course 🙂
S.OllyOP•5mo ago
I just saw someone with a record A type with an ipv4 adress and another record AAAA with an ipv6 and i dont have that by default
fry69•5mo ago
It should not matter, the Cloudflare proxy will happily forward IPv6 traffic to your IPv4 tunnel etc. You can also use IPv6 for your tunnel (I do), but you need to add an option to the cloudflared systemd service -> https://discord.com/channels/595317990191398933/1067184198206640188/1298580868356378705 (in this case the Cloudflare tunnel will forward IPv4 to the IPv6 address, in theory this should make the tunnel more robust as IPv6 addresses are more durable and the tunnel should recover faster on reconnect)
S.OllyOP•5mo ago
Do you have to port forward anything to get it to work? or install a webserver like Nginx?
fry69•5mo ago
cloudflared forwards HTTPS traffic only by default, so yeah, you need some HTTP server like nginx listening on http://localhost:[port] You can use other protocols, but that requires a bit of setup -> https://developers.cloudflare.com/cloudflare-one/connections/connect-networks/configure-tunnels/local-management/configuration-file/#supported-protocols

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