mfad5mo ago

Anybody here tried to get an import duty refund? (USA)

I bought an expensive (over $800 import tac threshold) coat online from a UK-based store. Paid import duty tax through DHL. The coat didn’t work out and I sent it back to the UK for a full refund. Anybody familiar with the process of getting a refund for the tax paid? Looks like I have to do a drawback directly with US customs and border protection: https://www.cbp.gov/trade/programs-administration/entry-summary/drawback-overview Worth it? Or should I not bother and just say goodbye to a couple hundred bucks?
U.S. Customs and Border Protection
Securing America's Borders
1 Reply
Confuzzler5mo ago
Never went through the process but if it's a few hundo I'd definitely say it's worth it

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