I got a permanent ban for upgrading my Windows.
After upgrading Windows from 10 to 11, I got my account permanently locked and support doesn't want to help me because they ignore me and close tickets without explanation. You either fix your antichit or you will continue to lose your players at this rate.
24 Replies
can you show the message of it saying you're banned/account locked?
and you said riot ghosted you?
did riot ever reply to your ticket?
does it say open or closed?
I've only been answered by a bot that sends default pastes and after 3 days my ticket is closed as 'solved'
you're banned and not getting unbanned
if it's your first perm ban it should expire in 4 months
if it's your second it's perm
I've been banned on 2 accounts, but this is my first permanent ban.
can you explain it to me verbatim? I just don't understand English 100 percent.
Where did you get this information from?
It says it's a permanent ban
if the ticked is marked as "solved" you wont be unbanned
stop giving false hope.
this is a normal ban
you got banned for cheating, meaning you got a HWID ban that bans the account played on permanently and your PC for 4 months
Why cheat man😪
Get good
The funny thing is that my console account still works, but I have it banned on my PC
it's not a permanent ban?
good luck getting unbanned on your non permanent ban
There were no cheats, bro, chill.
I've been banned on 2 accounts, but this is my first permanent ban.
Does that count as two lockdowns?
on your pc, you can't play on any account for 4 months
and the account you were playing on
This matters?
Is permenantly banned
I don't know, when I got a lockout on my first account, I went to play with my second account and they gave me a lockout there too, can I count that as 1 permanent ban?
Pardon my stupidity, I don't quite understand English.
this is the same HWID ban, yes (if that was the question)
first account is perma banned
second im actually not sure
ok, thank u so much