Outsourcing for layout solutions
Morning web enthusiasts. I looking to get a source code to this design right here. Thanks in advance!
20 Replies
@mod i believe this is in breach of the #📝rules, specifically #7
@Kivngfavour we do not allow hiring people to do work for you on this server. Please refrain from doing so in the future
So sorry its just a challenge I got from the web I just needed clarity. My bad.
I'd recommend giving it a shot yourself and asking for help when you get stuck
It's a frontend mentor challenge. https://www.frontendmentor.io/challenges/chat-app-css-illustration-O5auMkFqY
Frontend Mentor
Frontend Mentor | Chat app CSS illustration coding challenge
In this challenge, you'll be building out the entire app illustration from scratch. This will seriously test your CSS skills. So give it a go if you feel confident!
an even bigger reason to try it
This is a simple two column layout, it doesn’t get much easier, give it a go and then send your codePen (read this too #how-to-ask-good-questions ) and specifically what you’re struggling with .
if that is a website you can right click and look at source code
however the background looks like an svg to the left and used as a background image in css
When I did it I just used a linear gradient 🙂
that is for a challenge to practice your html and css knowledge
you only get images
na they give you shitty starter files
with bad practices in them (one the reasons I don't like FMentor)
then they give you images and mistakes
got it
Yea also you can't really see it in that picture cause its terrible color/contrast but there is a lighter repeated one on the right from the bottom
So I just made a pseudo :before/after with linear gradient it seems 😄
no reason for an SVG on this (and I'm a SVG fanboi)
Another issue I have with FEMentor is their designs being poor a11y and spacings
isnt that the site that brings us the clones of netflix and imdb?
no they are "orignal" designs
Those clones are just people or influencers talking about the clones made.
idk why it has become a trend but 🤷♂️
Not like either of those sites have any challenges
I mean most people don't clone the animations which is the only tricky part of Netflix
the layout is stupid simple
and staying off of being dmca'd isnt easy either
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