Monitor configuration issue

Starting out this is a niche and picky issue but any help would be great. So I have three monitors on my desktop and every time I boot up from shutdown before I login in it has the wrong monitor configuration, the log in screen appears on my left vertical monitor displaying the log in horizontally rather that the primary middle display, but after I login the monitors go to the correct configuration. Any way to fix this?
7 Replies
HikariKnight5mo ago
if this is on kde, i have yet to find a way to configure that properly for gnome i believe you can grab the monitors.xml from your home config and copy it into the gdm config directory IIRC (been a few years since i did it so i cant give you the correct path as i use kde now) but the location you copy the file to should be somewhere in /etc
CosmicOP5mo ago
Yea its gnome already gave that one a go but it did not work for me
HikariKnight5mo ago
then they might have changed it and idk then
CosmicOP5mo ago
this is what id did not sure if it any different from what you saying: sudo cp ~/.config/monitors.xml /etc/gdm/ sudo rpm-ostree update and the reboot as well ofc
HikariKnight5mo ago
hmm then i am unsure sorry
CosmicOP5mo ago
No worries thanks any ways I was able to fix this issue by running the below commands, turns out that monitorl.xml need to be placed int gdm/.config not just gdm it self also not to sure if the restart gdm command is nessiary due to the reboot right after but I ran it just to be safe: sudo mkdir -p /var/lib/gdm/.config sudo cp ~/.config/monitors.xml /var/lib/gdm/.config/ sudo chown gdm:gdm /var/lib/gdm/.config/monitors.xml sudo systemctl restart gdm sudo reboot
asen235mo ago
i "kinda" done this in kde, basically i disabled all but my primary monitor, then go to colors & themes > login screen (sddm) > apply plasma settings, then restore the disabled monitor

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