Riot discriminates against gamers with poor aim
Playing since beta and stuck at bronze only because i don't have that "headshot machine" kinda aim. Please fix this issue ASAP!!!
20 Replies
this isnt an issue, its your aims fault
You can get better aim
learn to play
There are people who don't have hands that can play shooter games at a decent level.
literal skill issue
honestly that's kinda just how the game works
I saw a video a while ago of someone who played games with his mouth because he couldn't move below his neck.
ikr they need to change it
why change something that already works
because I'm literally silver 2 from 4 years.
I recommend
get aimlabs and watch coaching videos on youtube
can you please push it till immortal? 🥺
Well friend
idk if this is game fault
ikr the developers seems to be discriminating, you're right 👍
least obvious rage bait post
Another troll post smh
riot is gatekeeping you from radiant
keep your head up king