Val makes my PC keep freezing? Pls help
Hi so basically my valorant, whenever I open it, has been freezing my PC after it runs for about 2-3 minutes, and continues to freeze it after its closed. I've done a PC check, I have the right specs to run val, and nothings wrong with my PC, so I think valorant might be the problem atp. I deleted and reinstalled it and it still continued to do this. When it freezes it doesn't stay frozen, it freezes for 5-10 seconds, stops for a few, and then continues to freeze again over and over. After this happens I literally need to shut down my PC for it to stop. Does anyone know what is wrong?
32 Replies
Maybe your memory is too high?
where do i check that?
Right click taskbar and select task manager, then click performance and then memory
11.1/31.1 GB is that bad?
it says 36%
Idk then
this may fix it
go to windows settings
scroll down to graphics
change default graphics settings
and turn off hardware accelerated gpu scheduling
i have the same issue i have no solution
whats ur specs?

this is it
Im uninstalling and redownloading my drivers rn
someone told me to
are yours similar?
i got the same cpu
and 32gb ram
ive done that
it doesnt work
so this all is for nothing…
ive done factory reset also
ive done like everything
it might be a anti cheat issue
or wifi/pc problem
ive done like every possible outcome or something
like that
reset whole pc, uninstall game and reinstall+ vanguard, update driver, driver uninstaller, update bios, update windows nothing works
could either be some type of pc issue with gpu or cpu, or mb, or wifi connectivity
or even the game
this only happens with valorant and faceit for cs
i can play league fine and other games
just not cs2 faceit or valorant
try this and it may fix it
turn off hardware accelerated gpu scheduling
causes a lot of crashes and freezing
i think ive tried that too
this is prob what u see
Brooo how do you fix that
i dont
i havent played val in 2 months
wait me too
waittt has it been like
exactly two months
happened to me last summer also but it came back
or how long has it been
it came like sept
i was mid ranked game
theres no way like
Thats been happening to me since sept as well
so it cant be wifi relatyed
its either cpu, gpu or riot anti cheat
@D4rkStxrs u got nivida or amd
i think both—
do you have an intel or amd cpu
and do you have an nvidia or amd gpu
val barely uses any of ur gpu so its most likely cpu
ive had this happen to me aswell
i hafvent found a solution but it has been life this for about a month now
i looked in my task manager when the freezing starts and my wifi drops to 0 everything when the freezing happens then returns to normal after and repeats until i restart
that makes me think it is a wifi issue but im still not sure
hardwear accelerated gpu reset or whatever its called doesnt work