support id-ec-PublicKey in node:crypto

Hi there, I'm currently working with the Apple App Store Server API and trying to run their apple/app-store-server-library on CF worker. I turned on nodejs_compat_v2 compatibility flag and the compatibility_date is 2024-09-23, currently I am getting an error in node:crypto complaining Unrecognized or unimplemented EC curve "id-ecPublicKey" requested Really appreciate for any help / suggestions🙏
1 Reply
fry695mo ago
🐛 Bug Report — Runtime APIs node:crypto 'Unrecognized or unimplemen...
Unrecognized or unimplemented EC curve "id-ecPublicKey" requested when use crypto with compatibility_flags = ["nodejs_compat_v2"] & wrangler v3.78.7. Here is the error sou...

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