3rd party gaming controller (Nacon) recognized but not useable

When I run lsusb command in terminal, the controller is being seen (Device 012: NACON Pro Compact) Steam is saying there is no controller detected. Unsure of how to proceed
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15 Replies
HikariKnight5mo ago
Does this use xinput? Does it use a dongle or is wired?
RancidRandyOP5mo ago
wired, afaik it does use xinput
HikariKnight5mo ago
Ok might be that xpad does not have the id for it so you need to manually add it on boot with an udev rule. Let me dig up the command as I just got to the pc can you try this in the terminal then check if steam sees the controller sudo modprobe xpad && echo 3285 0603 | sudo tee /sys/bus/usb/drivers/xpad/new_id if it works we can set up a udev rule to automate it
RancidRandyOP5mo ago
after running mod probe it works
HikariKnight5mo ago
and steam detects the controller?
RancidRandyOP5mo ago
HikariKnight5mo ago
and obviously test the input too see if everything works 1. run sudo nano /etc/udev/rules.d/99-nacon-controller.rules 2. paste the below text
ATTRS{idVendor}=="3285", ATTRS{idProduct}=="0603", RUN+="/bin/sh -c 'modprobe xpad && echo 3285 0603 > /sys/bus/usb/drivers/xpad/new_id'"
ATTRS{idVendor}=="3285", ATTRS{idProduct}=="0603", RUN+="/bin/sh -c 'modprobe xpad && echo 3285 0603 > /sys/bus/usb/drivers/xpad/new_id'"
3. CTRL+X then Y to save 4. run this to reload the rules and trigger them sudo udevadm control --reload-rules && sudo udevadm trigger 5. controller should now be added to xpad on boot. @RancidRandy do the above before rebooting and you dont have to run the command manually each boot
RancidRandyOP5mo ago
just tested on a few games and inputs work great. i've followed the steps above just now, going to reboot real quick and double check it works hmmm, it's not working upon reboot. i can see the ammended rules in the controller.rules though
HikariKnight5mo ago
what happens if you do sudo udevadm control --reload-rules && sudo udevadm trigger
RancidRandyOP5mo ago
it appears to run successfully in terminal, just brings me to a new line.
HikariKnight5mo ago
is the controller detected after you run it
RancidRandyOP5mo ago
if i fresh reboot and run only the reload rules & trigger command, no
HikariKnight5mo ago
try replug the controller?
RancidRandyOP5mo ago
no difference. screw it, I made a bash alias to just "turn on" the controller when i need it. thanks so much for your help
HikariKnight5mo ago
might be possible to just make a systemd service for it if the controller is always connected the controller might get added to xpad in the future though if its a fairly new one

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