API and limits for email routing?

Is there an API to create email routes for workers? If so are there limits to how many routes can be created (e.g., is it appropriate to create a route for each user of a particular application services? i.e., many thousands?) If not, is there another way to achieve this with the CF platform? Thanks.
1 Reply
Chaika5mo ago
Yes api: https://community.cloudflare.com/t/can-we-create-custom-email-address-from-api/705148/2?u=chaika limit 200 https://developers.cloudflare.com/email-routing/limits/ anything more then that use wildcard worker and handle routing within your worker in whatever way you want. Hook it up to a d1 db and query, etc. Just keep in mind you can't dynamically forward to unverified addresses and addresses have a 200 limit
Cloudflare Docs
Limits | Cloudflare Email Routing docs
When you process emails with Email Workers and you are on Workers’ free pricing tier you might encounter an allocation error. This may happen due to the size of the emails you are processing and/or the complexity of your Email Worker. Refer to Worker limits for more information.

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