Dear Netease, we want …
Game suggestions.
- furniture items that are signposts like the arrow to Hagrid’s Hut, or especially … “Area Under Construction”, “Please do NOT water the plants”, “Please water for me” … and fun game-related things.
- long, narrow wooden planks like the new floors, so we can make catwalks around our rooms.
- spiral staircase modules to take up less space.
- reduce the mood tasks on plants please. 50k is tooooo much!
- Qui’s hair
- someone else posted an idea to give people a special week-long wheel during their birthday event, with the ability to choose one birthday-access outfit as the grand prize.
- furniture items that are railings to put around our raised platforms, or wherever.
- give people a way to get the rest of the old, original FF team explore furniture/bedding (I think it was called Deathly Dell?)
- long, narrow wooden planks like the new floors, so we can make catwalks around our rooms.
- spiral staircase modules to take up less space.
- reduce the mood tasks on plants please. 50k is tooooo much!
- Qui’s hair
- someone else posted an idea to give people a special week-long wheel during their birthday event, with the ability to choose one birthday-access outfit as the grand prize.
- furniture items that are railings to put around our raised platforms, or wherever.
- give people a way to get the rest of the old, original FF team explore furniture/bedding (I think it was called Deathly Dell?)
67 Replies
- the option to lock planters so other players cannot use Helping Hand on your plants. (harder to do some achievements if they do).
cards and echoes
- the return of the old oppugno
- the remaining cntw echoes that aren’t released in globals (ie flitwick, sirius, ginny) and cards (eg fanged flyers, dessert master)
- suitcase nerf (one can only hope, tbh)
- reconfiguration of sbs such that in duos, the partner doesn’t receive a random card which can potentially disrupt their card cycle esp if they play hermione/mcgonagall
game mechanics that involve some kind of gacha
- increase legendary postcard drop rate
- lower the amount of gems needed for all grand prizes in gacha
fashion/aesthetic items
- rerun of old cntw outfits in mystery wheels instead of coming up with new ones
- more pants for girls
- ability to dye epic hairstyles
- give more chances to obtain card skins ie through magic pass, mystery wheels etc
miscellaneous feedback
- more racial diversity for characters/npc
throughout the past 9 seasons, i have yet to see a muslim NPC, and we still do not have a hijab for female characters and turban for the guys. if that is possible, can we have that?
Add a shared furniture capacity between all the Space modules instead of the separated capacity for each please! Only 50 for the upper modules is not enough. By making a total capacity for the room, it lets players have way more creative freedom. ✨
personal space
- add the ability to view our space in plan view for easier rearranging of furniture. also, on top of that, if we have multiple space modules, we can zoom in on one of the modules so we can see the furniture better.
- add a feature similar to rhinoceros' (3d modelling software) gumball feature (see attached), where furniture can be moved based on clicking and dragging on each of the handles in their respective directions. pressing and holding can be buggy, and it is really tiring to have the MC move in order for the furniture to move as well. not to mention, the rotation can sometimes end up wonky when this happens. instead, with a "gumball" feature, the rotation shall not be affected unnecessarily
- ability to copy and paste furniture in just one tap and maintain their sizes

- stop the furniture from moving or rotating when we select it please, and also please keep the view the same. It's frustrating to get in a good position to select something, and then have your view rotate so you can't see it from the same angle any more
- along with a spiral staircase, I would love to have spiral slide modules too! The MC could do a fun visual as they go down. Give every player a way to earn some modules for free ... enough to make a small slide to try it out and see the animation. That will inspire players to want to earn (or purchase) more
- A short walking path between Hogwarts and Hogsmeade that the skating emote works on. You could even give players who don't own the emote an event where they could try out the action for something like 100 coins. Offer the emote for sale, and people will buy it if the skating path is fun
* a Halloween costume wheel next year. Give people the chance to select from a few different costumes, and make them obviously "costumes" ... like a wearable pumpkin ...if there were 4 options, you could re-run the same wheel for a few years in a row.
* a romance-like mechanic where we get to develop and enhance our relationships and friendships with fellow students at Hogwarts. Not necessarily full blown romance, but simple little events like a picnic by the quidditch pitch or a swim in Black Lake or a fly by Hogsmeade.
* return of Shouren and our dragon
- ability to select a furniture item in a blueprint or existing room by name, not by drawing a circle
Or by just clicking on the one item in a blueprint when we are in the save menu. OR stop the paint roller from changing our view and let us keep the arrow thing to change our point of view when we are using the paint roller
- interior wall panels that we can attach wall items or doors onto a room divider, and not just a main wall.
- make all outfit emotes universal so we can use them while wearing something else
- give us a way to easily find actions, and set the ones we want first in the list (like with emojis)
- let people choose which emotes are used at the beginning and end of duels
- allow us to spin for previous wheels even if it's one of our choice during the birthday week (once a year) — no more rerun gachas! stop! it's greedy, it's gross!
- update kossa and social club rewards 💀
- let us favourite some emotes so they show at the top of the list in photos
- change the Lumos Solem herbology skill back to allowing players to choose to use the manual light point skill. We can do it with rain cloud and mood music, so why not lumos solem?
- if we add a piece of furniture to a room that is not in our inventory, it would be nice to be able to exit the “place furniture” menu without having to buy it right away. It would be even more awesome if we could select specific single pieces of furniture more easily when we are in that menu. It’s difficult to select just one pice of furniture with the drawing tool, and sometimes I want to move other pieces to see what it looks like while I’m deciding whether to buy.
- an undo button to revert the last change made when designing our Space (or even the last couple of changes)
- fix buggy emotes (peacoque couple emote, saturday night emote doesnt have sound again etc)
- a piece of furniture for our Space, like a cabinet, that has a boggart pop out of it
- in the Forbidden Forest, you can invite people to join you. Please add Squad chat to the list under “Channel”. It would be awesome for quickly inviting you squad mates to get points, especially if they have privacy set to incognito.
Speaking of forbidden forest - we need more into the woods levels, more solo and off the path bosses.

- I would like info about deaths/revives in the detailed results screen
- a special Herbology seed for Arbour Day that allows us to grow our own tree for our Space
- an emoji for wishing someone luck. St Patty’s day would be a great time to release something with a 4leaf clover
- celebrate more Irish/Scottish/Welsh/English holidays ✨🍀
- hanging curtains for our Space, that we can move
- grow pumpkins as a special Herbology thing next Halloween (or just release pumpkin plant seeds then, and let us grow them as a plant any time)
- special herbology seed to grow our own Christmas tree for our Space
- we could get tree decorations from some elf named Herbie :RobynLaugh:
- more room dividers and screens
- reduce the difficulty for charms trials. they are rather unsolvable at the moment without some good strategy that requires some time for people to come up with
Or make charms trials so they don’t have just one exact method to succeed.
More ways to interact with our favorite characters outside of odd side quests.
- also, add Colby and Wenshi as dance partners. Seriously, we got lots of ladies for one guy.
- on top of that, remove Robyn from class participation and replace her with Lottie and Abigail, and the aforementioned Wenshi and Colby.
- With our staircases, we can get almost-but-not-quite the correct height to go up to a second floor cube. That’s just silly, and means people have to fiddle way more with staircases because an MC gets stuck at the top, unable to quite climb up to the next floor. Please fix that.
Dear NetEase, fix the duel search in the game, duels over 7200 rating have not been working on the Sphinx server for over a month. The duel search can take over 12 thousand seconds.

In Ashwinder is the same issue
I support and will add a little more precision: duels have not worked for more than 40 days for some players on absolutely all servers. Players write letters 1-2 times a week, in response either a template, or no response (as in my case). No specifics, no compensation, since a number of players due to the limitation in duels were unable to complete achievements and receive rewards, nothing. For more than 40 days, skyscrapers are being built. Hello.
* an emote that allows us to showcase our owls.
* more owl trees
* magizoology career path.
* more stories to flesh out the characters we do have. The season stories are somewhat overflowing with new characters, perhaps we could flesh out the one we do have more, like Gerard, Abigail, Ms. Cole and Shouren!
adjust the colour chart for dragon’s breath macroalgae please. the plant is purple, but the colour chart shows a dark shade of pink

- add a decoratable border of space around, above, and below the rooms in our Space. I know you just changed the code to stop people from placing items outside the bounds of rooms, but the scenery effects for some wallpapers is really amazing, and people can build amazing things , if you let them.
Plus, sinking items below the floor gives a lot of decorating options.
- Narrow staircases
With railings
Right now, it takes about 6 stairs to get to a higher floor. The stairs are really wide, and take up a lot of room. If someone uses smaller-sizes stairs, the steps look tiny and you have to use half your allotted furniture limit to go from a second floor to a third level.
- staircase that is exactly the correct size to go up a floor. Make it expensive if you want, but one staircase to place would be sooo much easier than piecing together several of them.
And yeah, make it narrow
- ability to decorate both sides of a floor panel. I’d love to cover the brown with rugs etc. Sure, some people will hang furniture upside down, but so what. If you add a rotation O, they could be used for walls/room dividers too
- add or fix the pity mechanism on getting a niffler’s fancy seed from the greenhouse. Like, 10 tries is definitely good for a plant that unlocks early in the Herbology career
- chat for our Space. The scene chat is not great for when you are in your Space, and it will only capture comments from people while you are in there with them. I think it would be nice for each person’s Space to have a channel, instead of the “scene” chat channel. If someone visits while you’re not home, they can still say thanks for the plants, nice space, etc etc
- Someone should get Portkey Games to update their info about MA. The Portkey Games webpage still links to Magic, which I think was a WB site maybe. The link to download the game just takes people to the App Store with a message that the game is not available.
(guessing it’s the same for anyone in a former WB area)
Also would love to be able send friends furniture as gifts. I have a friend that wants my Dueling Room set, and I want a bookcase that’s in hers.
Would also love to be able to purchase missed wheel outfits since I know they won’t let us buy it for :gems: or :gold:
- increased furniture limits for rooms in upper cubes.
- Add a blurred background option for dance mode. Many things in the background with fancy effects cause lag, delay while dancing
- Add a visual guide for the first card in McG combo. Many times I forget what is the first card I used.
- A customized package allows us to buy missed wheel costumes. There are many CNTW exclusives and even though some has been added in the game file, there is no available ways to obtain it (for example after the voting event, Nagini, Luna and MACUSA have appeared in the mirror but no official ways to obtain it except you can borrow it on your birthday).
- Have more than six outfits saved.
- So far they are doing good on one of my things which is adding a season exclusive character and bringing them back into the main story, but I am leaving this here as a reminder so we can get Colby and Wenshi in dance hall (not because I want them there, but because I know several people here who do want that).
- The return of our Chinese Fireball and Shouren.
- I know the teasers hinted at romance this season, but fingers crossed it’s as the community wants it to be in that it’s simply more dynamic interactions with our favorite ships- I mean characters.

- When buying pass, we should get the costume for both genders. From what I know if your character is a male, you drink polyjuice to turn into female and then receive the costume from the pass, you will only get the female version. When you return to normal, the male one, you will not have the costume.
Maybe a QoL update to McGonagall echo? I find myself struggle to play this echo just because I forget what is my first card real quick (A lot is happening in the match, don't judge me because I have to focus on clearing summons). A small indicator in the bottom left corner like this is already enough.

- the Herbology music skill to keep mood at a constant level gives inconsistent points of credit towards mood point tasks. Mood tasks are hard enough without having your points per hour lowered by a bug that counts mood points as lower than they should be.
- a furniture piece that is waving squid tentacles that come out of the floor
- an ice circle floor tile or rug that can be made large. MCs could slide on it, or use the skating emote
- clock for our personal Space that displays the current server time and date
- more furniture items to display owls
it's there in the still locked part of the shop for me
- an emote to display our owls like the one where we can hold up plants for people to see (think it's called Herbologists' Pride)
- in Malkins, items like earrings and glasses have no visual to indicate which ones you could purchase, and they are not even grouped together. It's tedious to click through all the items with a lock symbol (meaning you don't own) to find the few items that you could purchase with gems/coins
Same with makeup/freckles etc.
So, basically the interface for that cosmetics section in Madam Malkins. - right now, arranging furniture etc in your Space stops your planters from losing mood/light/water/etc points. Anyone growing plants for mood tasks, for example, will be better off staying out of their Space and not decorating. I’d love if this bug was fixed, because I’d like to decorate, but I’d need to grow different plants.
So, basically the interface for that cosmetics section in Madam Malkins. - right now, arranging furniture etc in your Space stops your planters from losing mood/light/water/etc points. Anyone growing plants for mood tasks, for example, will be better off staying out of their Space and not decorating. I’d love if this bug was fixed, because I’d like to decorate, but I’d need to grow different plants.
This should be reported
It has been. :RobynLaugh:
That's super annoying, I didn't even know it did this. 😭
- During storyline, have the black screens of text stay until the player clicks the screen. Every season, they only appear for a short time, and then the story automatically moves on. There's not always enough time to actually read what's there.
Here's an example. I did not click to change the screen, and this is how fast the text disappeared. Ch2 spoiler
Also, at the end of that clip, the character Nyle says something with text above his head. I'm on a rather large android phone, and these text bubbles are often partially or almost fully hidden by being offscreen.
- allow people to select what battle potion will be in slot1 . The potions menu is really kind of awful in battles, and we can only use one potion anyway, so let us select which one is queued up in advance
- enlarge the hitbox area for the button to "like" your partner after a duel, or put the button on more than one screen.
- Allow us to use the bed shelving (stumpy three lamps in the current bed set, for example) in our Spaces, and not just the bedside table decoration
And all the items on the shelves, individually
Each season, we’ve been getting sets of new characters. I’d like it if we had some seasons with more storyline for the ones we have, instead of a constant stream of new people. I think it would make the storyline feel more developed, because the existing characters would have more depth, and new stories for them would add and build on our experiences with them.
There’s a pretty large selection of them now, so I don’t think it would get boring to have more seasons with each of them.
And update their models 😭 they look too young for how our characters look right now, and they're supposed to be the same age
I'd love it if I could change the time of day/weather in the camera so I can take specific types of pictures when I'm available, instead of having to wait for things like sunset or rain, which have tiny windows of opportunity. (when even is that rainbow some people find?? I have never seen it!)
- the option to purchase recolours of furniture items. I don’t mean doing recoloured sets in wheels, but something like Malkins where we can get recolours of items we already own
- I have a nice broom, so I’m fine, but players who started the game after the quidditch season haven’t had a chance to get a good broom. Give players a way to earn a fast broom, with the same capabilities as the one we got as a season reward during the quidditch season
- I’d also like a dorm mural. Just give us another dorm plant to look after and make the mural a prize
bring fanged flyers to global and stop releasing cards we won't even use
- ways to get multiples of the owl perch, so we can have as many owls as we want in our personal Space. It would also be nice to carry them around
- please increase furniture limit of modules!
i created an alt account last week and i got a survey on there! i am compiling all the info on here and appending it to the survey so that the devs can see it.
oh... increase character limit in tea and talk too
Owl trees
Burrowing owl for wheel
and take away the tab thing that obscures being able to read back
- Personal Space coupons or credits that we can earn or even purchase.
It costs a lot of gold to buy duplicates to decorate. If you don’t want to sell unlimited gold (to prevent people from just fully upgrading their spellbooks overnight) then offer something like Malkins coupons, but for purchasing furniture.
- the music from Astrid’s Herbology lab for our personal Space.
I love that music ❤️
• Put Polka in shop again, please TT (Can say also same about old animations)
• Change model of book at girls herbologist outfit (like come on, yall make new model for boys one, but you give herbologist book about dragons?:TrelawneyEyes: )
• Make energy for dance club events cost a club coins
- a table with a slanted top that items can be placed on, so we can make them sit at wonky angles
(or a floor/wall panel)
* offline dancing. Invite our friends who are offline to dance with us, same as the off the path and gold gnomes.
* more achievement based outfits.
- add a pity mechanism into Warboard or future things where you need wins to get an achievement for a unique item like the outfit recolour. If you haven’t come first in 25 attempts, you get credit towards the achievement that counts as one win. That’s still going to mean players have to spend a lot of time doing it, but at least it wouldn’t feel pointless. Yes, I’m terrible at Warboard. And, it might be fun if it didn’t matter, but right now it is not
When only 1/8 of people can get a win, there are probably other players feeling the same
The ability to change the knapsack icon without actually having to wear the bag/purse
Give people the ability to choose the male or female emote and idle pose versions for outfits, or give everyone the same ones. I’d love to have the “How to be Owl” pose that male characters got with the owl outfit
So who from netease is reading this again?
Maybe the Netease spy. Maybe no one. But if they monitor socials and have a spy, they'd be silly if they didn't at least look
They don't
There is no spy
Well, it makes me feel better to dump my ideas somewhere. And, if anyone gets a survey, they can scroll here for feedback ideas