Valorant having network problems

Both teams have pings over 100, saw someone’s ping reach 5k ping. None of know what is going on and was hoping someone would know what is happening. No one can plant, pick up orbs, walk around normally, shoot, use abilities, etc. We’re in N.A. virgina servers for spike rush if that helps any
4 Replies
_A5mo ago
@lyra [ping for reply]
nopety5mo ago
i was a part of this game - i am also int he p[rocess of submitting video to riot support i was unable to upload videos, but if they ask, ill email it. sent in a ticket tho
lyra5mo ago
is this still happening?
cloohy5mo ago
@shoshasgaming There have been an influx of reported issues of connectivity, however there hasn’t been an official response from Riot themselves. We could presume there might be some server issues but thats all speculation and not definitive. To err on the side of caution, do a network diagnosis and ensure that your side of things are on the up and up. Also, feel free to submit a ticket with Riot Support regarding the issue via the link below: you can also view all service status related to Valorant here

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