External IP Ranges (for an AWS VPC Security Group

I've been using an RDS database to collate the results of the work my pods are doing, and that's been fine so far with one or two running, but we're about to scale to a lot more. This kind of means that I can no longer log into a pod and ping something to get it's IP address to add to my RDS VPC Inbound Whitelist. I was looking at maybe AWS PrivateLink or mTLS, but neither seem to be supported. If I stick to the secure cloud, and one/two regions, is there a defined external IP range that'll get used? Honestly even if it's a /16 range then that at least reduces the attack surface a little!
1 Reply
nerdylive5mo ago
I'm not sure if they can share their ip range , you can get each pod's ip address from an environment variable too does that help?

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