Minimum path diff.
△x = (n-1/2)β
Is there + or - in between for condition for minimas...Somewhere - is used like in standard YDSE but in Lloyd's Mirror , for minimas it's +
β:fringe width
18 Replies
@Gyro Gearloose
Note for OP
+solved @user1 @user2...
to close the thread when your doubt is solved. Mention the users who helped you solve the doubt. This will be added to their to complete wave optics at JEE mains+ advanced level? like llyod mirror is in jee i guess?
ABJ sir on yt do past 16 years advd pyq youre good
Theres not much in wave optics once u know theory experiments like llyod mirror are nothing

@SIMPle Potato in this image you sent. it's +in b/w
But here it is - in b/w @SIMPle Potato

How we will come to know where - is used and + in between?
Oh wait i get now what you are trying to say
If you don't mind, could you explain it thru an example coz I'm unable to understand @SIMPle Potato
Solve the question with your assumption that minima occurs at (n - 1/2)beta
sorry sir 😅 🙏 vo bhi mera doubt hi tha btw
+solved @SIMPle Potato
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