RTX 6000 Ada pods breaking
I am using the ULTIMATE Stable Diffusion Kohya ComfyUI InvokeAI template on multiple RTX 6000 Ada pods. Lately I have run into many issues with the pods breaking while using ComfyUI.
The latest incident occurred shortly after loading multiple IPAdapter models through the Model Manager. After loading the models, the ComfyUI page froze, and then gave me an error saying "Error loading workflows: Unexpected token '<", "<!DOCTYPE "... is not valid JSON".
The previous incident occurred directly after loading a workflow JSON into ComfyUI. Same symptoms and issues. I am unsure how the two are connected.
It appears that the /workspace directory is corrupted, as when I tried to reload my workflow all the nodes went red.
I have included screenshots of the errors, and will attach the system and container logs. Thank you very much.
1 Reply
Is the pod up running when that error happened
Id suggest for now try another template maybe madiator's template