522 timeout & laggyness but last week 100% fine
Hello. I am getting 522 connection timeout AND laggyness on my website CF is turned ON. Does anyone know why?
MY website is nutrirebel.com
it was working 100% last week
27 Replies
I performed all sorts of investgations including on my host server and doing research
anyone have any idea?
Site works for me. idk if somethign was fixed
can you try again? I am gettiing sporadic 522 erros from cloudflare
Also: can you tell me how I can disable HTTP2 on CF when it wont allow me to disable it because its "dark greened out?"
try on a phone using a data connection and/or with a private browsing window
site still pulls up for me, and idk about your http2 question
yes it could be many things, but im currently in south america and it gives off sporadic 522 errors and laggyness
Did you try those 2 things I said?
yes I was trying on phone and its worse on a phone
and private browsing window same thing
all this
the issue goes away when I "pause cloudflare"
it was not like this last week.. just started 1 or 2 days ago
Here is something else I saw : This screen garbled happens also on mobile
This isn't a result of Cloudflare but just bad CSS/styling/layout.
no.. it does NOT do this and the 522 connection error AND the laggyness when CF is off
it was working fine last week..
what do I need to submit a support ticket for cloudflare on their website?
OR are you part of the support team?
I am thinking of getting rid of cloudflare but I prefer to keep it
You can try submitting a ticket at https://dash.cloudflare.com/?to=/:account/support
It's possible that with Cloudflare on, a stylesheet isn't getting loaded properly - but that would be the underlying reason (cloudflare can't just interfere with styling otherwise)
do you get this on a private browsing window on computer? or do you get the 522?
yes i get it all over..
the main issue is NOT the CSS problem
Where are you located approximately?
Quito, Ecuador
yes it could be that my location is causing the problem also
Try a vpn to a different country?
trying VPN now.. will let you know
now with VPN it shows this
on right side the images are not showing up?
very bizarre
must be browser cache at least with missing images because it worked in private browser window
so far it SEEMS like the VPN solves the issue.. therefore may be routing issue in my area?
nope the load time is poor on another browser even with VPN
I would press F12 and then refresh and check the console for errors
You can see why it's loading slowly
How was the website created?
Is this correct?
Also what I get on mobile.
yes and yes
it must be a routing problem from my end without VPN to cloudflare and/or between the host and CF
very bizarre
Yea. But cf is a proxy so that's what i'm not sure about
For the loading speed, see if server-side caching is relevant here
anyway I think I got it fixied.. it was my local routing on my ISP. Thanks for the assistance