Theoretically, how many clients could I

Theoretically, how many clients could I support on my Durable Object websocket? Ignore the messages themselves.
5 Replies
Kaique Anarkrypto
Kaique AnarkryptoOP5mo ago
I assume each new client needs allocated ram. The maximum ram per DO is 128MB
Kaique Anarkrypto
Kaique AnarkryptoOP5mo ago
the docs did'nt say nothing about the real limitations. It seems very obvious that if the the cpu and memory can limit this number, it certainlly will. But how much?
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Walshy5mo ago
It's very hard to answer because we just simply don't know what your app does If you need to store data for each client then that'll take memory, how much only you know Do you do compute on incoming/outgoing messages? That takes CPU time, again, only you know how much How many messages are incoming/outgoing total? Again, only known by you haha You could have 100k clients with not too many messages a second or 100 clients sending 1k messages/sec These are different amounts hitting throughput limitations It all comes down to just how your app is built and what it does. There is no one who can answer best how many clients can be supported other than you
Kaique Anarkrypto
Kaique AnarkryptoOP5mo ago
@Walshy | Out of office, my question is like "in a scenario where the messages are zero, how much connections per DO could be possible?" Afterall, the websocket connection itself don't consumes ram from the DO, even if you are not storing any metadata and even if you not sending any message? If yes, then I would like to know how much kb of ram is consumed per connection
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Unknown User5mo ago
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