Water Tunnel

Can someone give me a tutorial to make a water tunnel because all i see in YT didnt work
18 Replies
Midnight Malice
Midnight Malice5mo ago
Do you mean a tunnel that the animals can travel through? Or a water tunnel for guests to walk under. The first one is super easy. Just use chisel and push straight through the terrain If it is guests, it's a little harder. Well, it's actually easy, but to explain it in text, it is harder. You said you tried a method from a video and it didn't work. Can I ask what you tried? What video did you use and what/how it failed?
StickmenOP5mo ago
for the guest
StickmenOP5mo ago
▶ How to Build Underwater Tunnels in Planet Zoo Tutorial | Tips & T...
How to build underwater tunnel in Planet Zoo | Aquatic pack | Planet Zoo Tutorial | Building Tips & Tricks | In this tutorial, I show you the basics of how to build an underwater tunnel as I did in my King Penguin habitat. Just practice and play around a bit with this technique to see how you like to see your own underwater tunnels look best. Ha...
Midnight Malice
Midnight Malice5mo ago
Ok. So what happened when you tried to make it? You said it didn't work. What didn't work?
StickmenOP5mo ago
the path i cant make it
Midnight Malice
Midnight Malice5mo ago
When? At all? Or connect after the water is placed?
StickmenOP5mo ago
connect after the water placed i follow the vidio method
Midnight Malice
Midnight Malice5mo ago
I know. But I'm trying to troubleshoot what happened. If you are following a video and I tell you the same steps that isn't going to help.
StickmenOP5mo ago
Midnight Malice
Midnight Malice5mo ago
So you placed the path, closed off the path placed the water, and the game wouldn't let you place more path? Did it connect to the path that was there and was red? Or did it not connect at all? If it was red, then you need to turn tunneling back on. If it wouldn't connect at all, then you need to thin the terrain more before you place the water. If there is too much terrain from pulling it over the path to place the water it won't connect to it.
StickmenOP5mo ago
already do it still didnt work and the path tunneling mode is on and it connected
Midnight Malice
Midnight Malice5mo ago
If you have all the right settings on, and are following what DeLady did, it should work. Without seeing it myself, I can't offer any more help over discord without actually seeing what the game is doing. Sorry.
StickmenOP5mo ago
Midnight Malice
Midnight Malice5mo ago
The only thing I can maybe offer is to go to the actual game settings and turn off all the "clipping" options. In the main settings. That might have an effect on it. I'm not 100% sure if that is part of it.
StickmenOP5mo ago
work but glitchy
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Midnight Malice
Midnight Malice5mo ago
Yeah. That's how it happens. Nothing you can do with that. Have to try and cover it with rocks or plants and stuff.
StickmenOP5mo ago
StickmenOP5mo ago
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