Ping Issues
Since last night ive had problems where im avg a solid 20 ping but then it just completely skyrockets to 800 and stays there for a while. Becuase of this ive lost a ton of games. can someone help me out?

73 Replies
@lyra [ping for reply]
open cmd and do this command:
when its done show me a screenshothow can i do that
oh command prompt?

mind showing everything?
whole screenshot of cmd
dw everything on there is safe to show
oh i didint show it cus it has my adress
the only address that it has connected to you is your routers local ip which is safe to show
if you mind it will help if you show everything ^^
im back
anyways cant other people open up the thread and see it
and its weird cus it doesnt look like the other peoples
they can but everything on it is safe to show for everyone
also mind answering these few questions?
1. who's your ISP
2. what country do you live in
3. what region do you play in?
4. what server(s) do you play on? 2. US. 3.east
mind doing this again and show me everything ^^
if you feel unsafe you can dm me it
ima just dm you it
can you do that?
ping -n 100
do thatand show a screenshot of this part when its done

it just keeps spaming replay

alr ill wait

waut what

it wont let me send a screenshot

@Bery de Kirby (#1CancerGamer) 🎃 what do you say?
we can see it
oh there
im sorry i think i was really laggy and it didint load for me
I mean isn't 800 consistent ping an instant dm to isp
@pluto mind running a new tracert?
yeah but 800 is only at the last hop
whats the ip for the tracert again?
this time the 10th hop didint have 800 ping
nor did any of them
next time it happens, where you get 800ms ping
can you run
on valo?
gotchu thanks
and this
does it matter in the order i do them
you can do em the same time
dis first
alright im in a deathmatch ilyk

i couldint do the other one before the deathmatch ended @lyra [ping for reply]

wait nvm i got it
whats the anbalysis docter
what do you think it is
no idea
@Bery de Kirby (#1CancerGamer) 🎃
i even tried switching my ethernet to normal wifi\
@Bery de Kirby (#1CancerGamer) 🎃
if its always the last hop thats clearly the isps issue to work on it
idk what ur confused about
what i mean is, whatever the issue is its theirs to deal with
idk the isp is to big to just get one complaint
huh how do we know other ppl didnt complain
anyway cant kenji check by region
@Kenji-San hi sir
pretty sure hes on vaycay
last hop is host I believe
I might be tripping rn tho
its to the host tho
what if the issue is
data going from
second last to alst hop
I have a migraine:val_Hampter:
yeah... whichever it is like no matter the issue in the end the only solution is isp sooooo i donjt see the point of figuring it out
@pluto call your isp, show them the trace routs
alright and also the problem is my family members have fine internet connnection so idk
alright i call xfinity and show them my hops?
well ping isnt rly that obvious
in normal internet usage
and its not
the same thing
youre issue is like barely at the end of reaching riot servers
so i need to call xfinity and tell them that
cus i was getting lag in other games to when i tried
yep exactly
do you think with time this issue will resolve becuase this only started happening last night
no idea, if they know about the issue then probably