Some random iceberg with a room carved inside

The area around it is made of snow and ice. there is a bowl of candy made of ice, containing packets of ice cream. The inside lights up with a bright blue color. Inside you hear "Thick of it" by KSI. YOU WANT TO LEAVE THIS PLACE.
16 Replies
fair-rose5mo ago
the pentagon comes prepared with noise-cancelling headphones and takes a packet of ice cream without getting brain tumors!
No description
correct-apricot5mo ago
trick or nope nope nope leaves -# i am not listening to THAT -# ...
adverse-sapphire5mo ago
waıt thıs looks lıke my spooky peak waıt ks... hell no
correct-apricot5mo ago
puts on earplugs goes to the bowl takes an ice cube hm, i wonder how these haven't melted yet..
adverse-sapphire5mo ago
those ıce cubes are fılled whıt prıme
correct-apricot5mo ago
i'm just gonna use it as a collection i'm not going to eat them lmao
adverse-sapphire5mo ago
ıma just yoınk the ıce cream
wise-white5mo ago
puts on soundproof headphones AAAAAAAAAA puts on 3 more soundproof headphones trick or treat
sensitive-blue5mo ago
ill put on soundproof headphones and grab a packet of ice cream
flat-fuchsia5mo ago
knock knock, if you don't give me candy i'll give you the chop chop.
absent-sapphire5mo ago
tri- nevermind the house next to this one seems a lot more appearing now
dependent-tanOP5mo ago
I hang a sign. "Just get the ice cream from the bowl and get out. Unless you have noise cancelling earphones. I'm off to buy one right now to turn that shit off."
fascinating-indigo5mo ago
Uses a really long grabber to fetch some icecream
spiritual-aqua5mo ago
carefully takes the ice cream :o (Luckily, I'm wearing noise-cancelling headphones right now.)
correct-apricot5mo ago
puts on earplugs again goes to the bowl gets the ice cream
wise-white5mo ago
puts on earplugs and soundpoof headphones gets 1 ice cream

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