How tf does RR work
Playing ranked with my duo, I do better than him (barely) and he gets 2x my RR rewards
51 Replies
Just for reference this is another game where I was playing deadlock
hidden mr
mmr *
u have a separate "skill" ranking that's different from ur in game rank which kinda messed it up bc they'll put u in lobbies with people higher ranked and then if u win u still won't even gain that much but if u lose u lose just as much if not more
Is there a default hidden mmr that you start with? Because this is his first time being ranked period As he is newly level twenty, and during our placement games he went negative while I frequently went 30+ kills
yeah it should be around +15-25 for a win no matter what and then 10-18 for a loss depending on stats from my experience, but if ur constantly dropping 30 in bronze iron lobbies they'll stop giving u as much bc they'll think u should be a higher rank hence them matching u with ppl in higher lobbies
So then how am I supposed to rank up into those higher lobbies man ðŸ˜ðŸ˜
This is ridiculous, thanks for the help
I appreciate it lol
u just have to win over and over, ik how u feel i've been stuck gold forever bc of it
At this point he’s gonna be a whole rank higher than me before I’m bronze 3
yeah eventually you'll climb up u just have to go on a solid win streak and it should fix ur mmr, bc once u get to the rank it thinks u should be in you'll default back to regular mmr
if youre actually better than your rank, in like 2-4 games of HARD carrying, the game will put you in a lobby way higher than your current rank and youll get like 40+ rr or maybe even 100+
also this is incorrect, even if your mmr is higher the game will still give you higher rr for a bronze lobby
if the game believes youre better and confirms that you are it will try its best to boost you to your real rank
so then why am i gaining so little ðŸ˜
can you show me your comp history
just newest matches
one sec
That’s not 30+
they said recent
That’s average to be honest
not reopening val but two of my placement games were that good which is what im referring to
Normal amount of rr for normal performance
well... no offense but thats very normal
44/16 and 36/18 ish
thats perfectly normal rr amounts
it was probably a very very bad lobby, again no offenser
my question was more abt my duo who is new and performs worse than me getting far more than me
show me
his profile
i mean last comp games
and the lobby inside the latest match
look at the images i showed at the top of the post
It’s also not just kills that go into what rr you get
we have the same rank and started the day as bronze 1 with 10/100 each
It’s also dmg per round + assists and utility + impact….not quite sure how it’s calculated but it does have impact
nah not one match
i wana see the history
makes a big diff
and the lobby ofcourse.
i was just absolutley confused about a round where i did better and he got 2.4x the rr
What’s your user
And what map + time was the match
im reopenign valorant, one moment
perhaps his mmr is just better and even tho he didnt do good in one game he still got more rr
im pretty sure he hasnt done better than me in a ranked game
let me look
Or also if your mmr is way lower than your opponent’s, sometimes it will give you a big boost
If you win
Idk rr calc works in strange ways
ok nvm there are two where he did better than me but in those he gets rewards that make sense
What’s your user
+ tag
your mmr is only lower if your are in a higher rank / are better,
it matters why?
in which case its just trynig to boost you
out of curiosity
Ya that’s what I’m saying
eah hes getting pretty normal rr too, he'll prob stop at b3 or s1
So I can look at the specifics of the matches
anyway hf yall
both of your mmrs are normal nothing weird here
+ rep
yea it wasnt really abt fixing an issue just outraged because of how miniscule of RR i had gotten on such a good game
compared to him and his rewards ofc
Womp womp :) it happens
kinda tilted after teamates almost threw a 8-4 lead just to get 2.4x less than a person i outperformed ig
yeah ðŸ˜
after that game my RR gains/losses became average which is why they arent included here