CollectingBarrierStep bug

Anyone ever notice this bug in the CollectingBarrierStep? Offending line
public boolean hasNextBarrier() {
return !this.traverserSet.isEmpty();
public boolean hasNextBarrier() {
return !this.traverserSet.isEmpty();
The problem here is that if you had an input of X + Y elements where X is your collecting barrier size and Y is some number greater than 0, if the first X elements in the barrier have no results output in the barrier and the latter Y elements in the barrier do have some result, the barrier will only be called on the first X elements and will not execute a second time.
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Overriding this function seems to fix ``` @Override public Traverser.Admin<Vertex> processNextStart() {...
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2 Replies
LyndonOP5mo ago
found out that is not actual the offending line. Not sure what is but the statement about barrier not executing the next section is still true actual issue seems to stem from AbstractStep @Override public boolean hasNext() { if (EmptyTraverser.instance() != this.nextEnd) return true; else { try { while (true) { if (Thread.interrupted()) throw new TraversalInterruptedException(); this.nextEnd = this.processNextStart(); if (this.nextEnd.bulk() > 0) return true; else this.nextEnd = EmptyTraverser.instance(); } } catch (final NoSuchElementException e) { return false; } } } the no such element exception is producing from the collecting barrier
Lyndon5mo ago
Overriding this function seems to fix
public Traverser.Admin<Vertex> processNextStart() {
try {
return super.processNextStart();
} catch (final NoSuchElementException e) {
if (!this.starts.hasNext())
throw e;
return EmptyTraverser.instance();
public Traverser.Admin<Vertex> processNextStart() {
try {
return super.processNextStart();
} catch (final NoSuchElementException e) {
if (!this.starts.hasNext())
throw e;
return EmptyTraverser.instance();

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