What features/improvements would you want for a potential PZ2?

No individual animals please, features as in flying birds or a foliage brush.
549 Replies
Midnight Malice
Midnight Malice5mo ago
Considering Coaster 2 added water parks, I'd expect Zoo to add in full aquatic, like sea world stuff, and aquarium exhibits
Ik this might sound weird but the predation like say if you release a tiger and a prey into a habitat it would be cool to see the tiger stalk the prey for a bit
YourWorstFear5mo ago
Id like more herd mechanics
Tati5mo ago
Automatic management of habitat animals, similar to that of exhibitions
I’d also like rodents like rats and mice to be added aswell as rabbits and hares Oh and squirrels
No animal suggestions lol, there’s already a discussion for that
Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden5mo ago
Rabbits and hares aren't rodents anyway Anyway id like to see barrier improvements and more barrier types Also giving flamingoes, cranes, swans, peafowl and chickens the ability to fly and perch Also add perches for birds Aswell as net and rope climbing frames
I don’t think they’re in the rodentia family
Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden5mo ago
Sorry i mean aren't I didnt know why it correct to are
lipidus.5mo ago
implement all dlcs from PZ1, if u already bought them. Like in the warhammer total war series.
Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden5mo ago
Change iguana from exhibit to habitat Change bats from exhibit to habitat
Vedinator45mo ago
Or larger exhibits, there is no way it is ok for the iguanas to be in that tiny box
Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden5mo ago
Thats why i said make em habitat
Vedinator45mo ago
True true
Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden5mo ago
Because if monitors can be habitat then so can iguana and if meerkats and prairie dogs, arguably much smaller animals can be habitat then the iguanas can
Midnight Malice
Midnight Malice5mo ago
They should make them 2x2 and when you put them side by side it auto-merges them, being able to make them as big as you want. Then you can make unique shapes out of single exhibits. Along with the option to have "netting" as a barrier option. So it auto builds netting on top of whatever barrier you use, including null.
Vedinator45mo ago
That is a great idea!
Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden5mo ago
Maybe nake automerging optional Some people may not like that feature being forced on them
Midnight Malice
Midnight Malice5mo ago
Well yeah. That's what I mean. Like when you have "add to building" toggled on it will merge them, or if you don't have that checked you can put small ones side by side. They could auto fill them with the right biome, and have it somewhat customizable. There would need to be a max limit... Maybe 12x12x12M. Maybe more, especially if they add fish, having some epic fish tanks would be cool.
Batman5mo ago
1. Interspecies Interactions especially for species with interspecies enrichment bonus. 2. More animal accuracies like gharial will slide on their belly when they're moving on ground. 3. New "egg" mechanic and feature especially for reptiles and birds. 4. Personalities for animals. 5. More than 1 sleeping animation for all species. 6. More parent and baby interactions like some species will nursing their babies while some species will carry babies on their backs. 7. City Background 8. Random Events
Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden5mo ago
Personally I find cities ugly so I'm glad we never got city locations
Batman5mo ago
I hope some species will get interspecies enrichment bonus in PZ2 too like: Greater Flamingos could have interspecies enrichment bonuses with hippos, pygmy hippos and maybe some european animals like Red Deer. Gharial could have interspecies enrichment bonuses with Greater Flamingos and indian species like Indian Peafowls. Little Penguins could have interspecies enrichment bonus with Kiwis. And by the other sides, it should be unsafe to mix some of primate species with another primate species in PZ2 just like IRL. Like if you put Chimpanzees and Gorillas together in PZ2, they will fight each other with gorilla potentially kills the chimp. Two more features i wanted in Planet Zoo 2 are multiple entrances for one habitat and the second feature is the freeroaming for some animals like Peafowl.
Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden5mo ago
Personally i find freeroaming animals in zoos one of yhe dumbest ideas Its a danger to the animal itself and natural ecosystems The animal is exposed to predators and people constantly trying to pet it and feed it unhealthy human foods And the high likelihood of them escaping zoo grounds, breeding and destroy the balance of the native ecosystem Theres a reason some locations in america have feral peacock problems
Batman5mo ago
Alright, let's just dispose this idea then.
Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden5mo ago
My local zoo used to have free roaming lemurs and prairie dogs but not anymore which means something happened to make them go back on that idea
Batman5mo ago
in PZ2, herbivores don't need any feeders or keepers to giving them foods for them at all. They can just eat natural grasses in their habitat, but they will still need food enrichments to be happy. However, they will need a feeder and keeper for them if their terrain is dry. If JWE2 has that then PZ2 should have that too.
Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden5mo ago
Zoos still feed their herbivores regardless of grass in the habitat Simply because overgrazing is a very common issue Especially with a fenced in area Over grazing isnt an issue in the wild for two reasons Constant roaming and predators Also herbivores still need food other than just grass
BabyBull29685mo ago
PZ2 needs predation and a combat system like JWE
Batman5mo ago
PZ already has it, more like overhauling it in PZ2.
Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden5mo ago
Infact the zoopedia could do with an update Like telling us what animals arent compatible with eachother Like jwe2
Batman5mo ago
Some animals should sleep longer and alot in PZ2, like the lions.
koalas should spend more time in trees
Batman5mo ago
Maybe, change them to Walkthrough exhibit animal like the sloth.
Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden5mo ago
Well technically they do now Everyones just nor doing it right Pz animal climbing correlates to the ratio of walking and climbing space Give them more climbing space than walking space and they will climb more Nah They are fine as is They just need to fix the climbing issue with all the arboreal animals Reprogramming them to climb more regardless of walking space Because im kinda sick of trying to remove walking space just to get an animal to climb more
Batman5mo ago
I hope they making it's easier to build underwater tunnels in PZ2 for aquatic species. and also able to scaling construction pieces as well.
Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden5mo ago
If they actually make tunnels a building piece Some of my ideas for new building pieces New barrier type: Aviary Barrier New hut type: nest box/bird house (functions the same as the burrow but for birds and arboreal mammals) Bird feeder Tire swing enrichment item Perches for birds aswell would work
Batman5mo ago
If they're going to add birds to PZ2 then they're going to and should put them in a new UI tab called as "Aviary Trading".
BabyBull29685mo ago
not really, the predation system is ass, they cant even hunt
Batman5mo ago
Honestly, don't forget that PZ is a zoo game. Not a predator and hunting game.
BabyBull29685mo ago
its just not realistic
Batman5mo ago
They could make it way more realistic in PZ2 like. A Dingo shouldn't able to kill a Leopard solo by just itself.
BabyBull29685mo ago
Batman5mo ago
I'll agree that they should make some Herbivores able to injure and even potentially kills some Carnivores in PZ2.
BabyBull29685mo ago
ik it seems like much but they should have animations for the predation andfights
Batman5mo ago
For example, A Rhino should be able to injured a Lion in PZ2.
BabyBull29685mo ago
yes then pz2 is goated
Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden5mo ago
Not even injure Straight up kill
Batman5mo ago
Well, make Herbivores able to kill Carnivores in PZ2 is one of my wishes for the sequel now.
Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden5mo ago
Even prides struggle against a healthy fullt grown rhinoceros in its prime Infact its such a dangerous task lions know to outright avoid rhinos in general
BabyBull29685mo ago
is pz2 confirmed?
Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden5mo ago
not officially confirmed but given that planet coaster of all things got a sequal and the overall popularity of planet zoo a planet zoo 2 is more than likely to happen eventually in future
BabyBull29685mo ago
I don't know if you guys noticed but at the end of the Zookeepers Dlc there was a fish transition
Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden5mo ago
those werent fish those were leaves
Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden5mo ago
Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden5mo ago
they were leaves
BabyBull29685mo ago
yea its leaves
Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden5mo ago
No description
Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden5mo ago
how on earth do these look like fish you gotta be blind as hell
Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden5mo ago
most definetly leaves
I saw oval shaped wiggling around and saw fish I need to find my glasses bro Either way I feel like pz2 is most likely revolving around the world's problems and we save it Like climate change Or fires Pollution, Poaching, etc Kind of like jwe2 and how you fix up an abandoned poacher camp or how you save the burnt down valley
Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden5mo ago
I remember some idiot on twitter thought that transition was stingrays
BabyBull29685mo ago
this last leaf kinda looks like one
Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden5mo ago
I mean technically alot of things you do in planet zoo one is breeding and releasing endangered species
I mean yeah But like We can't release them into their ruined natural habitats So I think we'll be able to fix ruined ecosystems
Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden5mo ago
I prefer the idea that instead of dropping the zoo stuff to go and do that It should function the same as the jwe fossil digging You send out employees to do that and get rewards from it
Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden5mo ago
I literally don't like the idea of dropping everything you are doing to just go and clean garbage or protest logging Actually that would add too much task variety and make the game very unfocused
Midnight Malice
Midnight Malice5mo ago
I don't think they are going to change the focus of PZ2 away from... Building and maintaining a zoo. Lol.
Basically Imagine a map That is burned down It's ashy and all the trees are dead
Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden5mo ago
alot of this kind of work isnt done by zoos though
Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden5mo ago
its by wildlife fund organisations
And another idea Botany Greenhouses All thay
Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden5mo ago
botany definately takes away from the zoological aspect we technically have botony in the form of the plants
Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden5mo ago
but focusing on maintaining the plants also adds another thing to distract you from actually maintaining the animals
It's just like there would be a knew staff facility called a green house and a new staff called botanist and it's like you grow plants and give it to the animals Kind of like the first jwe And there can be harmful plants
Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden5mo ago
its already a chore to try and prevent them from escaping/killing eachother/starving to death/etc
And you can research and buy plants from a plant market
Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden5mo ago
you go focus on one thing and something else happens botany and clean up will just add the the confusion and overwork
But don't you like the idea of having multiple things to do Adds to the fun
Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden5mo ago
its already a pain doing the animal research and saving money to buy them from the market dont give us the same pain with the plants
Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden5mo ago
especially since many animals require plant coverage to feel comfortable
My research is fine It's pretty quick too Each stage is like 4 minutes
Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden5mo ago
also adding a plant market also suggests that the plants would have genetics and lifespan
Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden5mo ago
which means you gotta replace a plant everytime it dies or sell them everytime they overpopulate
Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden5mo ago
which just adds to the overwork
And I imagine it like exhibits where you can Set total population
Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden5mo ago
its hard enough focusing on maintaining the peacock population
Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden5mo ago
i aint maintaining bloody weeds ontop of that
And I envision it as a way to educate guest to Because educating guests is fucking impossible imo
Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden5mo ago
the guests are just stupid ive seen em get trapped in the corner of the path and cry out for help complains when the animal enclosure is too small, despite the fact it increases the visibility complains when the enclosure is big enough because they cannot see the animal
You could try alternative methods for visibility You could make bridges above the enclosure, make them walkthrough, use viewing domes, cameras, etc Transportation There's more than just looking through the glass
Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden5mo ago
Despise the concept of walkthrough habitats Try to keep it as naturalistic as possible for a zoo While still making it look like a zoo Irl walkthrough habitats removed the animals natural fear of humans and make the guests a little too bold with wild animals
Batman5mo ago
The only change to Predator and Prey interaction system that i wished in PZ2 is that Herbivores should able to kill and injure Carnivores. Also, some herbviores should fight other herbivore species in their habitat in PZ2. It existed partially in PZ1 with Rhinos and Hippos.
Meerkats should be able to solo gorillas imo
Batman5mo ago
Nice joke here, i got it.
It's not a joke I'm being srs Nah I'm joking I'm scared of meerkats tho They're like the racoons of Africa
Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden5mo ago
Eh more like ferrets
Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden5mo ago
Meerkats are part of the mongoose family though Very nasty critters
Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden5mo ago
Fossa arent mongoose Distantly related
Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden5mo ago
But not the same family No
Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden5mo ago
No they arent You were told wrong Fossa are part of the family eupleridae
There really closely related According to Gemini
Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden5mo ago
Mongoose are herpestidae
Just because they're not in the same family doesn't make them not related
Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden5mo ago
Bears and seals are related but that doesnt mean a sea lion is considered a bear And i literally said fossa were related to mongoose right here Or did you blatantly ignore that
I literally saw a fossa at the Bronx Zoo and it said they were a kind of mongoose
Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden5mo ago
Probably mentioned malagasy mongoose Which are not true mongoose
No They said mongoose Not any specific mongoose
Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden5mo ago
Still incorrect
I'll take the word of real zoologists Who say they are
Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden5mo ago
Still incorrect
Are you a trained certified zoologist?
Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden5mo ago
Theres an actual zoologist in the serger if i can remember their name I'll literally ping them to prove so
Is your only power to disagree? Goodness gracious I don't think I've ever seen you agree to anything so far
Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden5mo ago
@Tanooki_Leaf congratulations archie replaced you as the most obnoxious piss head in the server
Batman5mo ago
It would be cool if there's detail in PZ2 that if guests can't see your animals clearly, they will mistake the animal for another species.
I didn't do anything! I was just talking about how fossa are a kind of mongoose
Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden5mo ago
They aren't And no Bronx zoo shouldnt be treated like the absolute jesus incarnate gospel of knowledge Just because one zoo says so doesnt mean its correct
Believe what you want but I'm taking the word of multiple zoologists I've met in person, the multiple research I did, the Bronx Zoo, etc More than just the Bronx Zoo
Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden5mo ago
They are distantly related But are not mongoose What others zoos Show physical proof
Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden5mo ago
Where Where Physical proof Where
No I'm saying other zoologists not other zoos
Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden5mo ago
Shpw Which zoos said it though Show me Peove it Show actual proof
The Bronx I didn't take a picture of it
Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden5mo ago
Im not dropping this until you show me physical proof of bronz zoo saying they are infact mongoose
Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden5mo ago
Ame physical evidence of other zoos saying it As far as im concerned ifbthere isnt physical evidence its untrue
Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden5mo ago
Which i know alot of ghost believers are gonna be mad at
Yk what I've had a long day I'm gonna stick to believing my multiple sources and if you don't want to believe that then that's you boo Have a good night 💕💕
Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden5mo ago
Planet zoo meerkat taxonomy
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Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden5mo ago
Wikipedia page on the mongoose family
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Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden5mo ago
Planet zoo fossa taxonomy
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Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden5mo ago
Read em and weep
I'm not weeping but ok sweetheart
Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden5mo ago
Yo you gay as hell calling a dude sweetheart
Despite how irrational your being I'm choosing to stay passive Disagree all you want I'm dropping this I am gay lil bro And I call everyone sweetheart, boo, babe, etc
Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden5mo ago
San Diego zoo's webpage on fossa
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Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden5mo ago
Zoological expert example right there Planet zoo also was worked on by zoological experts
Just because it's not in the family does not mean it's not a mongoose booboo
Midnight Malice
Midnight Malice5mo ago
It's not. It's a cousin of mongoose but it isn't one.
Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden5mo ago
Because its not in the family doesnt mean its not the thing Okay
Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden5mo ago
This is a dog
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Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden5mo ago
This is a cat
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Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden5mo ago
This is a whale
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Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden5mo ago
And this is a horse
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Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden5mo ago
Thank you
Valkyrja5mo ago
midnightmalice received a thank you carrot!
Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden5mo ago
Someone smart for once I may not worked at an actual zoo but i do properly research taxonomy in my spare time
Listen The second time saying this I'm choosing to stay passive and move on If you're too immature to handle how other people see things then that's a you problem I'll stick to everything I've been told
Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden5mo ago
Btw taxonomy is the classification of animals and ive done a fair bit of research on this topic
Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden5mo ago
So i know for a fact i am right And thats why im all defensive on this
Well that's what you believe And to keep this server positive let's just move on I'm trying my best and training to be a real zoologist So maybe you think what I say is wrong
Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden5mo ago
Same here
And that's alright! Have a goodnight 💕💕
Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden5mo ago
But i went through the taxonomy route Through my spare time I know animal classification
I went more into genetics + biology with animals DNA and all that stuff
Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden5mo ago
Genetics and biology add to taxonomy
So maybe they are not classed the same
Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden5mo ago
Dna proves they are distant relatives But are not mongoose
The more I try to move on the worse you get
Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden5mo ago
A bear is genetically a distant cousin of a dog but is not a dog
If you're gonna go on then continue this in chat
Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden5mo ago
A rhino is a distant cousin of a horse but is not a horse
Midnight Malice
Midnight Malice5mo ago
it's a fact of how they were classified. It isn't really an interpretation or belief issue.
Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden5mo ago
So please respectfully stfu with the "but bronx zoo said so" bs
But notice how the genetic traits and behaviours are really similar? I can agree with the fact that they are CLOSE relatives
Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden5mo ago
One scurries around on the ground eating small animals
Maybe they're not classified the same
Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden5mo ago
The other climbs in trees eating lemurs How is that behaviorally the same
I'm going based on what I've been told by zoologists, articles, google, and the Bronx Zoo
Midnight Malice
Midnight Malice5mo ago
It's basically like saying that humans are chimpanzees.
Why are you still continuing this
Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden5mo ago
Taxonomy isnt just "this animals looks similar to this one so they must he the same"
I'm trying to stay positive and drop this but you're making it hard It's not about how they look
Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden5mo ago
Same time you've said that same sentence
DNA states that they are closely related And you still can't get it in your head babe
Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden5mo ago
Continued this in #general This is a thread for pz2 wishes Not silly arguments that can be avoided
Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden5mo ago
I know you want me to kove but just replying, ive literally been doing all this same shit to prove my point Also thanks for actually helping
Valkyrja5mo ago
You're thanking too much ó_ò
I'm not trying to convince you to belive me Nor am I trying to argue
Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden5mo ago
Its not a matter of belief though its a matter of fact
Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden5mo ago
Look Im sorry my guy I can be harsh and defensive about what i know is fact That can make me a little bit of an angry shithead My love of animals can make me argumentative at the worst of times I've not been in the friendliest of moods lately since my bestfriend passed away I mean he was just an animal
Midnight Malice
Midnight Malice5mo ago
All I was talking about is its current classification.
Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden5mo ago
But it still hurts
Batman5mo ago
Hey, you guys. Reminder, this is a suggestion thread and not a real animal biology discussing thread.
Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden5mo ago
Im sorry I've been very snappy lately since my best friend fucking died
Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden5mo ago
He was just a tortoise but it still fucking hurts
Batman5mo ago
Your best friend died? Anyways, let's get back to the topic. Okay?
Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden5mo ago
Plus being autistic i tend to hyperfixate on certain topics But dont tend to be the friendliest at times
Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden5mo ago
Wouldn't it be cool to have nest boxes like this for owls and other tree dwellers
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I had a little budgie that was my best friend that passed away. Call me crazy but I loved him more than I loved my family. I have a lot of mental problems and I would immediately cuddle with him after every problem. Ever since he passed i just haven't been the same. But I try to stay positive and friendly at all times no matter how my shitty family treats me and no matter what I'm going through. I'm sorry for my outburst but i honestly just hate when people make it hard to stay happy all the time. Friends? I really just wanna have a good relationship with everyone Even when we disagree
Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden5mo ago
And just to make earliers debate sfop for good i was applying the same logic as malice But yeah allls good now
Awesome Anyway back to the original topic That would be pretty cool
Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden5mo ago
Allowing the tortoises to use mudbaths would be a cool feature too
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Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden5mo ago
Galapagos tortoises love mud wallows
I think Wild thought though Scuba diving Like say planet zoo were to include aquatic species
Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden5mo ago
Scuba keepers for aquatic habitats
Guests could scuba dive as a kind of walk through habitat
Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden5mo ago
I've been going wild with a shit ton of bird suggestions in the #Say some animal you want in the game but have rarely or never seen anyone ask for that animal!
Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden5mo ago
"But they're just a common house bird blah blah" Shut up they're cute
Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden5mo ago
I used to have 2
Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden5mo ago
My eldest one died recently too
Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden5mo ago
Ive had rotten luck this year
Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden5mo ago
I personally love budgie chirps
Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden5mo ago
Its quite a whimsical and sweet noise for parrots Quaker parrots are the complete opposite Grouchy fiends that make loud noises
I was planning on getting an orchid mantis But they're really pricey ORCHID MANTIS WOULD MAKE SUCH A GOOD Exhibit ANIMAL
Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden5mo ago
Ive not had much personal experience with insects Outside of feeder locusts
I've had a lot I had beetles, mealworms, spiders, etc
Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden5mo ago
Bird flight shows for the educators would be a neat feature
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Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden5mo ago
You could build a show platform and have an educator posted there
Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden5mo ago
And assign different birds to it
I'm going on a field trip in December and they have a falcons show
Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden5mo ago
Like falcons, owls, eagles, vultures or parrots
I've been told by my sister who went When I was visiting the Sahara Desert in Algeria I saw this vulture (I think it was a vulture I barely saw it) and it looked cool It looked like a turkey But like Not fat
Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden5mo ago
Given the description and location id say probably a griffon vulture I could be wrong though They are fascinating birds though Oddly beautiful
It looked kind of like that but it's face was pinkish? It could've been another bird tho
Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden5mo ago
Seems outlandish to think it was a lappet faced vulture I dont beleive a lappet face has been spotted in algeria before
Ok wait I think it was another raptor It was flying pretty fast that my camera couldn't get it Omg it's so cold aaaa I'm shivering rn
Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden5mo ago
I was shivering a bit ago too
Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden5mo ago
Ive hidden under me blankets Nice n toasty I love fall and winter Less of the boiling summer weather Sad part though is all the nice summer birds and insects gotta leave
New Jersey temperature never makes sense 70-80 at 12 60-50 at 2-3 Below 50-40 after that I'm fine with that because it means the Looks will migrate to me
Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden5mo ago
As a european all our birds migrate to africa Or spain if theyre lazy enough
My Algerian family would NOT like that
Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden5mo ago
Climate change makes alot of climates warmer than they should be in different seasons
They hate birds because they poop on the rooves
Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden5mo ago
I love our migratory birds Barn swallows are very iconic part of childhood Especially for a person who lives in the countryside
I live in the city I don't have much cool animals But I live on a peninsula which means we have a lot of semi aquatic birds
Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden5mo ago
I grew up in a rural village in the farmland
My uncle has a farm In the desert tho
Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden5mo ago
We have alot of lovely garden birds like european robins But unfortunately alot of stray cats
Bro Algeria is swimming with cats everywhere
Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden5mo ago
If you're lucky you might spot eurasian jays or eurasian sparrowhawks
Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden5mo ago
But they are a rare site
Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden5mo ago
Both birds prefer dence forest coverage here
I see them everywhere Especially near the water
Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden5mo ago
I mean bald eagles are a type of sea eagle
They scare me I saw one gore a rabbit Ik that's how they eat but
Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden5mo ago
That is a very rational fear though
Batman5mo ago
Again, do not discuss anything here!
Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden5mo ago
I think its smart to fear a grand powerful wild animal
Batman5mo ago
This is for suggestions and wishlists for PZ2.
Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden5mo ago
Oh yeah Forgot
Batman5mo ago
Back to the topic.
We were talking abt birds in planet zoo Then got here
Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden5mo ago
Hanging puzzle feeders for monkeys would be awesome
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I have to go to bed See you tomorrow nerds
Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden5mo ago
Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden5mo ago
Rope climbing frames would be cool too
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Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden5mo ago
If they dont exist already Because sometimes i forget whats already ingame
Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden5mo ago
Scratching posts for tortoises
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Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden5mo ago
Tire swings for primates and bears
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I remember there being rope climbing frams Around the time the tropical pack came out I think planet zoo does NOT need more bears
Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden5mo ago
Other than the american black bear they got all of them basically They have two subspecies of brown bear for some reason though
And I envision it being like jwe where the sequel has all the base game animals plus the dlc and then pz2 would come out with all new dlc That's what I'm saying No shoebill stork but another bear? Like
Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden5mo ago
Theres 3 animals i considered a wasted slot honestly Himalayan brown bear, siberian tiger and arctic wolf Those spaces could have been usef for more interesting animals
You just said what I was gonna say lol
Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden5mo ago
Like shoebills
Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden5mo ago
We could have had secretarybirds
Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden5mo ago
Maybe even walrus
Sea turtles Since they don't need an aquarium Babies would be horrendous though They should add laying eggs To make it more realistic :discorn: why is there blue corn Anyway
Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden5mo ago
I would enjoy seeing eggs And nesting behaviour
Batman5mo ago
Bengal Tiger is the wasted one actually. Siberian Tiger is more common than Bengal Tiger in zoo.
Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden5mo ago
Would be neat to watch an ostrich sitting on eggs
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Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden5mo ago
But also to watch the parents swirch places Ostriches parenting is shared
As much as the new anniversary leopard is cool we could've gotten literally any other animal
Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden5mo ago
Theres small differences but he is right the siberian is more commo. In zoos irl
Or maybe even a different leopard Like the Barbary leopard
Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden5mo ago
Secretarybird was on the top of the community's most wanted list Yet we never got it
(This is very biased) Algerian animals need more rep I was abt to say Barbary lion but I forgot it's extinct Also we already have a lion
Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden5mo ago
I think a dust bath enrichment toy would be fun for some animals Elephants and ostriches love dust baths
A punching bag enrichment for kangaroos I would laugh at that so hard
Batman5mo ago
I hope Frontier will overhauled exhibits in Planet Zoo 2.
Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden5mo ago
Like actually let them move around
Batman5mo ago
Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden5mo ago
Basically change altogether
Ahh I agree I get bored of seeing them sit there doing nothing
Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden5mo ago
Infact basically just make exhibits into tiny habitats Thats a better idea Treat all the animals equally
Batman5mo ago
Able to merge them too just like in JWE2 aviaries and lagoons.
Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden5mo ago
Most people seem to dislike exhibits just because they arent as exciting YES stingrays
Batman5mo ago
Not if you want to build a insect house in your zoo.
Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden5mo ago
Starfish Sea urchins Crabs I am a massive fan of reptiles
I touched a lot of fun animals at the Adventure aquarium in Camden, Nj
Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden5mo ago
Particularly tortoises and turtles The Hermann's tortoise is my favourite animal ingame
Bamboo sharks, Stingrays, horseshoe crabs, and star fish
Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden5mo ago
But its not that exciting due to it mostly sitting around doing idol animations Ive they overhauled exhibits and let it walk about I would cry tears of joy
Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden5mo ago
Would love that too
Why can only butterflies be together That's borringgg
Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden5mo ago
The bats cohabitation with sloths would be cool
Am I the only one who dislikes the walkthrough exhibits? They just repeat animation
Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden5mo ago
Belfast zoo once kept Rodrigues flying foxes with linnaeus's two toed sloths
Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden5mo ago
Nowadays belfast keeps the sloths with red footed tortoises
And as a fighting animation (overpopulation) they would fly into each other
Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden5mo ago
So yeah exhibit cohabitation should be a thing
Idk how to explain this But They would like
Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden5mo ago
Would love it if the animations had more depth Imagine bats fighting over a perching spot With their little bat claws
Yk how in jwe they have feeding animation with the other dinosaurs in the cage? Like maybe they'll snatch food out if each others mouths Or push eachother
Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden5mo ago
Fruitbats have a weird way of urinating, if they added urinating animations to the game (for whatever bizarre reason) the bat would be a nice touch
Planet zoo should get more inspiration from irl zoos
Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden5mo ago
They somewhat do already
Batman5mo ago
Well, animals should be able to urinate in PZ2.
Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden5mo ago
Ofher than a small handful of uncommon species
Batman5mo ago
This is something that ZT2 have but PZ doesn't, and yet. PZ is still regarded as a game with most alive-looking animals.
Real zoos don't cramp their exhibit animals in little glass boxes
Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden5mo ago
Most of the animals ingame are mostly found in irl zoos The exhibit is the main issue yes
Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden5mo ago
The boas and iguanas definitely need more space But the current exhibits are actually quite nice for the tiny species
Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden5mo ago
Like the scarabs and poison frogs
Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden5mo ago
Its actually quite alot of space for poison frogs Most poison frog species are about the size of a penny Not very big critters
(Excuse the Bronx Zoo glaze) The Bronx Zoo had this really cool attraction called jungle world in the Asia district And You would go inside and it was like The most realistic artificial indoor jungle ever And the Amur Leopard cage was so smart
Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden5mo ago
Belfast zoo's monkey house allowed you to see the sleeping areas of their primates
They had nothing but a glass pane separating predator and oray The leopard and the monkeys kind of just stared at each other I forgot what monkey it was
Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden5mo ago
Making some species more solitary would make sense too
It used to be a clouded leopard (which made wayyy more sense) but now it's an Amur leopard
Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden5mo ago
Like yeah allow solitary animals like tigers or bears to tolerate having a mate with them is fine But in the case where the female gets pregnant They should be separated Females get protective when they are expecting
They should add the dads eating the babies
Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden5mo ago
And males tend to be cannibalistic towards young
(Joke) When I had cats they gave birth about 3 times and we had to keep the dad away The mom would actually hit the dad if he got too close to the kits
Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden5mo ago
When our rabbit had kittens she rejected them We tried handrearing them But thats a difficult task
Rabbit babies are called kittens?
Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden5mo ago
They sadly passed Yep Kits for short
I thought they were bunnies Im not too into rodents tbh
Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden5mo ago
Rabbits aint even rodents funny enough
Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden5mo ago
Theyre in a separate group called lagomorpha
Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden5mo ago
Only other animals in the group are hares and pika
Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden5mo ago
Its essentially a tiny screaming mountain rabbit
I also heard that guinea pigs were cavids? (Also including capybaras I think)
Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden5mo ago
Cavids are infact a family of rodents Still making the capybara the worlds largest rodent Rodents are a bizarre group honestly
Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden5mo ago
Many different types
Oh goodness is 1:24 I lost track of time lol
Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden5mo ago
5:24 for me
Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden5mo ago
Imma head to sleep
Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden5mo ago
Cya Nice talking
Tanooki_Leaf5mo ago
You were always number 1 rin 🫶
Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden5mo ago
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Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden5mo ago
Bird perches would be cool
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Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden5mo ago
Overhaul the peafowl to let the fly and perch
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Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden5mo ago
Greater flamingo, mute swan, sussex chicken and red crowned crane should be able to fly too
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Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden5mo ago
Yes chickens and peafowl technically fly Its just for a short distance And not very high Its used as a last resort if a predators is close to grabbing them Or if they just want to go somewhere higher Like a tree
Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden5mo ago
Chickens also having a perching ability
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Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden5mo ago
Nest building would be neat for the birds too
Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden5mo ago
Flamingo nest just for an example
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Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden5mo ago
Either make it an option for you to place down the nest as an item Or have them build it out of materials in the enclosure
Batman5mo ago
Add more "Animal and Guest" interactions like this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IpBXna8qtDQ
Lion trying to attack baby at zoo
This male lion pounced as soon as we put our 10 month old daughter down in front of the glass alone. She is oblivious, but he seems pretty serious!
Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden5mo ago
Like actually let the animals get annoyed at guests Because zoo guests irl can be annoying to watch honestly Especially the whole thing going on with moo deng
Batman5mo ago
The Voice Of People
Tiger Tug of War at Roosevelt Park Zoo, watch who won
Viral now. No one can disturb this Smart Parrot's bath routine https://wp.me/pesA38-3R Do check out the products to help us out.... https://amzn.to/3xU5WkG
Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden5mo ago
Keeper and animal interactions would be neat too Like scrubbing a gator's back with a brush
Tanooki_Leaf5mo ago
Very true ☝️ iirc there was a couple of artworks of ui design where its shown that animal could have bond with keeper, sadly didnt go into the game 😔
Batman5mo ago
Which one? Also, why the best features always got cut.
Tanooki_Leaf5mo ago
Idk tbh if i can find it
If I saw her in my zoo I would think she was a sunbear who escaped her cage
Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden5mo ago
Male deer should be able to shed their antlers seasonally During ingame winter they should have no antlers (with the exception of reindeer) Arctic fox coats should change colour based on season
Guest animal interaction through glass
BabyBull29685mo ago
make the game free (joke)
Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden5mo ago
Animal personalities in a similar way to pokemon personalities (a description of what the personality is like) but they actually display the personality traits Like example an animal thats described as lazy And its shown napping alot Identification tags on birds legs (wings for penguins) Letting exhibits just function like tiny habitats I dont like that exhibit animals just stand around stationary repeating the same idol animation (with the exception of walkthrough who have repeated flight patterns)
Batman5mo ago
In my opinion, exhibit animals are only good when you want extra and more species in your zoo. They're much less living than habitat animals. Also, they should implemented free flight to Walkthrough Exhibit species.
Dayna045mo ago
Better choices for co habitation. Bonus points if you have exhibits ina safari setting and meet the criteria for a whole biome and it's food chain. Ie lion at top all the way to gazelle and grass on the bottom. And mechanics for upkeep on grass and foliage for harder difficulties. Nothing on easy, water on medium and fertilizer and so on for hard or hard-core mods
Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden5mo ago
Make it that other than species that require plant coverage Animals dont need plants from their Continent And a just fine with random local shrubs or trees Example a plains zebra being fine with a bramble bush Would make temporary enclosure placements easier if you dont have anywhere to put a new animal Make animals wake up at specific times of the day Example actually make them behave nocturnal or diurnal
they already do this nocturnal animals tend to just never sleep though tbf It'd be cool if there were lights that could change depending on the time or whether the zoo was open and animals slept or woke up depending on the light
Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden5mo ago
Not really
thay do though
Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden5mo ago
All the animals sleep whenever and wake when ever Diurnal animals are awake at night Nocturnals are awake at day
every animals has a diurnal/nocturnal value that affects when they sleep its not set in stone though
Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden5mo ago
Kinda like real life but they are more often than not awake all the time and sleep whenever
diurnal animals work pretty well though, nocturnal ones just never sleep though yeah
Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden5mo ago
Ive seen nocturnals sleep Main issue
tbh i dont m,ind since it lets us have pretend indoor exhibits with day/night cycles switched
Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden5mo ago
Not during the day Any animal that uses the burrows has a sleeping animation I've seen red foxes and european badgers sleep
yeah but they almost never do
Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden5mo ago
The issue is they dont exclusively sleep during the day
Batman5mo ago
Scenery Brush like in PC2 or either, Frontier should add that feature to PZ in its future free update since the game's support isn't ended yet.
Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden5mo ago
Better designed barriers so we dont have to rely on custom builds to make it look good
Batman4mo ago
Rare random events like guests may fall inside the dangerous animal habitats like tiger habitats, they will get injured by the dangerous animals. However, the security guards or caretakers or either zookeepers will came to save them. However, the long the time take to rescue them. They will get more injured and you will have to paid more for their injuries. They technically cannot die from dangerous animal attacks since PZ2 might be rated for Everyone just like its previous game.
Batman4mo ago
Also, more interspecies interaction like this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZBQSXYn1cd4
Otters and Orangutan at the zoo
Otters teasing an Orangutan at the zoo!
Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden4mo ago
Not a fan of this idea at all If guests fall into enclosure it shows how insecure the enclosure is And irl The animal has to die If the guest is harmed or near it
Batman4mo ago
This reminded me of Harambe.
Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden4mo ago
It's not just harambe Alot of "dangerous" zoo animals have been killed to protect guests who have fallen in Mostly carnivores In carnivores cases alot of people use the logic of "it has a taste for human blood now" As the reason to kill it
Batman4mo ago
I've thinking that transqualizers should be used but from what i've heard, transqualizers actually take minutes to work effectively and it'll just make the animal more angry thus put the guest's life in further danger before the transqualizer effect triggered.
Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden4mo ago
Tranq darts are commonly used on escaped animals But from what I have heard Chimps are almost always shot dead They are the most unpredictable and aggressive when shot with darts
Batman4mo ago
More freedom and fast-paced to placing animals in Sandbox mode as a option, like you can just place an animal in the habitat and it will spawned instantly in the habitat without the need of a caretaker and a trade center.
Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden4mo ago
Like the jwe method You can choose what spot in the enclosure the animal is placed
Batman4mo ago
More quality-of-life animal behaviors like this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hHdTto2ICfM
Less of a need for donation boxes would be nice, most zoos I’ve been to only have like one.
Batman4mo ago
C'mon, Frontier. If you're still updating PZ, please add the Forage Brush to the PZ.
WZI (Wesley)
WZI (Wesley)4mo ago
God give me jwe pathing.
I would only like that if it was interchangeable for the PZ pathing
WZI (Wesley)
WZI (Wesley)4mo ago
Ye that is actually a great addition
Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden4mo ago
Nest boxes and kennels for smaller animals Not all small animals use the burrows but look goofy as hell in the larger shelters made for things like gazelle
Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden4mo ago
This is basically what i mean
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Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden4mo ago
My local zoo uses small huts like these for coati, red pandas, prairie dogs, porcupines and meerkats
Batman4mo ago
1. Small attention to detail which animals can peeing like ZT2 even if it doesn't impact gameplay much, it just make the game more alive. 2. Able to feed the animals by yourself like refilling their foods or enrichments without the need of the zookeepers. 3. Zookeepers and animals can also form bonds and having relationships. 4. Usable ladders for zookeepers.
Witchy4mo ago
I'd like to see - scaling in decor objects - Habitat management similar to how it's done in exhibits (auto sell/store) - an option to search for animals in trade centre that aren't base coat (search for albino, melanisitic etc.) - expanded trade centre storage, I think the amount of animals you can store is really limited - live feeder enrichment like in zoo tycoon 2 when you could drop live fish into the water for predators - and of course birds / aquariums - A direct market trade option so you can trade with friends - Fix the bl**dy path mechanics
Batman4mo ago
I don't want to be cruel here, just want some consequences for the game. if you set the animals with unfitting temperatures for too long (example is putting lion in a cold habitat) then they'll eventually die.
Tanooki_Leaf4mo ago
They do that in game already Welfare gets lower they die
Batman4mo ago
One thing that would be cool in PZ2. If the view of the animals from an guest which are either bad or they can't even tell which animal is that and also assuming if there's no education boards in the habitat, they could mistake it for another animal. Like they could mistake a gharial for a saltwater crocodile.
Tanooki_Leaf4mo ago
Das a cool idea
Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden4mo ago
I'd say temperature should only affect certain species to some degree Mostly just reptiles As captive mammals seem to tolerate colder conditions regardless of their country of origin Lions included
Liam4504mo ago
Yeah that’s not really how mammals work
Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden4mo ago
Exactly my point Mammals arent bothered by temperature Its mostly reptiles And amphibians But certain birds are bothered by it Although rarely mammals are bothered by cold Some gibbons particularly need their hands moisturised due to low humidity in the air in captivity Sloths legit need heat and humidity to digest food
I would say they are bothered, but it’s not bad for their health
Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden4mo ago
I mean yeah We are mammals We dont like it too hot or too cold But it doesn't straight kill us Unless dangerous levels
I think a different animal trading system would be nice (still also keeping the others) where you can trade animals like many zoos do. And you need to trade the animal for an animal/animals of the same appeal. It would make gameplay much more interesting imo.
Batman4mo ago
Number input box which you can enter the number of how many male/female animals you wants to buy at the one same time. Also, add the predatory mechanics to the chimpanzees.
Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden4mo ago
Change the lemur animations Other than the sifaka they are all based on the ring tailed lemur model The main issue with this
Batman4mo ago
You meaning red and black lemurs all have the same ring-tailed lemur animations?
Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden4mo ago
Yes But nvm Ignore that I was gonna complain about the meditation thing Which is a behaviour i previously only knew ringtails to do irl But
Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden4mo ago
This ruffed lemur proved me wrong
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Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden4mo ago
Im aware of the reason ring-tailed lemurs do this Its a form of sunbathing to get a bit of heat from the sun So i assume other lemurs donit for the same reason
Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden4mo ago
Even the blacks do it too
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Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden4mo ago
Honestly though If i was to choose a thing to change with the lemurs
Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden4mo ago
Allow them to do this on climbing frames if they dont already
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Batman4mo ago
Making Interspecies mixing way more consequential aside from "intimidation" and "predation" like big herbivores like elephants, black rhinoceros and hippopotamus has the capacity and potentially of killing and injuring other herbivores and maybe even carnivores.
Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden4mo ago
Its not even a maybe with carnivores Elephants, rhinos and hippos can and definitely will kill a carnivore
Batman4mo ago
That's one of the changes i wanted most for PZ2, herbivores should be able to fight, injure and kill carnivores. Buffalo and Sable Antelopes should be able to kill and injure lions too.
Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden4mo ago
Other than the gazelles i think most of the african herbivores have a decent chance in a one on one fight with a lion This includes zebras and ostriches Yes they dont have horns or tusks But they are famous for their strong kicks Giraffes too even I think the main reason combat isnt a thing with herbivores is due to the fact they need to make it realistic
Batman4mo ago
Still, they should make herbivores able to kill carnivores.
Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden4mo ago
In order to do that they need to do research and study references Which means actually watching the animals fight Due to prey's fight or flight responce Fighting is rare And in some cases The species dont live in the same location in the wild In order to get realistic reference to study Youd need to pit two animals that shouldnt interact together Which is fucking immoral and illegal So yeah realistic reference for giraffe vs grizzly bear is impossible without committing an actual crime Hence why they just went with the easier route of making the prey timid around predators Sorry that was long
Batman4mo ago
Make it easier to build pools for aquatic animals like crocodiles, maybe the blueprints or something.
Batman4mo ago
basically like this but it's simpler and easier. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X-iGub4upaw
Lined Pools Tutorial | Planet Zoo
Hi guys! An extra video this week and something a little different in this video - I decided to make a tutorial video for lined pools! I hope you enjoy and find it useful! If you do please leave a like and subscribe to the channel for future videos! Update A few people mentioned about not being able to get the sloped pieces to work - you h...
I’m sure it’s legal in some country Not saying that makes it right
Draca4mo ago
Maybe an up-to-date zoopedia (updating each new version if necesary) to make zoopedias info more reliable as time goes on And more accurate info Since the fact that Wisen doesn't show located at the Iberian peninsula makes me feel that Frontier isn't always accurate with the info
Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden4mo ago
The european badger needs updated too Since the european badger and caucasian badger became classed as separate species last i checked And they still include the caucasian badger's range as part of the european badger's range
Draca4mo ago
Well that's the point The game is sold also with the message of educating about the animal world but at the end there're still lots of details missing without being corrected
Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden4mo ago
In some cases like the giraffes and dingo its understandable Its heavily debated whether or not dingo is its own species, a subspecies of timber wolf or just a lineage of domestic dog So its scientific name differs alot Canis lupus dingo Canis dingo Canis familiaris dingo Canis lupus familiaris Canis familiaris These are all the possible scientific names for the dingo Thats how heavily debated it is Giraffes were only recently reclassed as atleast 4 different species But some authorities still treat it like a singular species Reticulated giraffe if you go with the multiple species classification Giraffa reticulata But ingame since they use the single species taxonomy Giraffa camelopardalis reticulata
Draca4mo ago
It's obvious that there are some complex cases, but others can just be updated once a while
Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden4mo ago
Timber wolf biome preferences do need a little change They have it down as temperate, taiga and tundra Which isnt wrong But they forget some populations live in grasslands and deserts
Batman4mo ago
Some aquatic animals shouldn't able to swimming at their baby stage until they reached their adulthood, like the beavers.
Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden4mo ago
Penguins Specifically penguins Some times of seals including sea lions are know to swim a little in shallows when they are little, but thats just in preparation for later in life
Draca4mo ago
Also some animals could have teenaging phases separed to cubs, chicks etc One example wpuld be flamingoes, chicks that does not go deep on water and teenagers which can follow adults but not mating with others yet Or something with teenaging lions And their mid grown manes Maybe too many data demanding for every animal so wpuld be certain species mechanic
Batman4mo ago
Zebra and P's Horse should have interspecies enrichments.
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Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden4mo ago
Interspecies enrichment is based on if the species live in the same ecosystem naturally and get along quite well By the logic of "they should have interspecies enrichment because zoos keep them together irl"
Batman4mo ago
Still not forgetting that some interspecies enrichments in the game are bad and ridiculous, like the chimpanzee and the red river hog.
Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden4mo ago
Means quite literally nearly every animal should give eachother interspecies enrichment
Batman4mo ago
So, i just realized that in PZ. If you put any animals together without interspecies enrichments, it can causing stresses especially to neutral and shy animals. I put flamingos together with pygmy hippos and the flamingos are stressed, so i removed the pygmy hippos and flamingos are no longer stressed.
Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden4mo ago
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Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden4mo ago
Just because they can be kept together does not mean they will benefit eachother
Batman4mo ago
To be honest, you would get "Predation is occuring" notifications if you tried the first and last one in Planet Zoo.
Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden4mo ago
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Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden4mo ago
Deliberately showing the worst mixed species habitats i csn find to prove why species from different continents/biomes should not benefit eachother
Batman4mo ago
To be honest, i hope Frontier will make the Interspecies mixing and enrichments way more realistic and consequently in PZ2.
Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden4mo ago
Interspecies enrichment should again as ive stated multiple times Only apply to animals from the same continent and biome that would naturally get along decently together with little issue
Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden4mo ago
This being an example we could have
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Batman4mo ago
Removing interspecies enrichments between some animals like: Prairie Dog and Bison Chimpanzee and Red River Hog
Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden4mo ago
A little confused as to why dama gazelle and african spurred tortoise benefit eachother Ones a fast running hoofed mammal and the other is a short slow moving critter If the gazelle runs and trips over a tortoise that could go wrong I guess im just a paranoid analysist that analyses what can go wrong
Batman4mo ago
Which another interspecies enrichment you would also remove in PZ2?
Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden4mo ago
Yo forget capybara being chill
Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden4mo ago
Red river hogs are the real chill dudes
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Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden4mo ago
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Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden4mo ago
If i were to choose an interspecies enrichment to add ingame It would be if we had african waterfowl Like ducks Give them enrichment with the flamingoes Flamingoes get on fine with other water dwelling birds Like pelicans and herons
Tanooki_Leaf4mo ago
Sadly 😔
Batman4mo ago
Subspecies selection like in Prehistoric Kingdom. Also, gharial should spend more than 75% of their times in water. Also, gharial's movement need to be changed as well. They don't walk like crocodiles and alligators in reality, they move like seals in reality.
Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden4mo ago
We already have subspecies Arctic wolf is a subspecies of timber wolf
Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden4mo ago
Gharial (Gavialis gangeticus)
The gharial (Gavialis gangeticus), also called Indian gavial or gaviaisl, is the only surviving member of the once well-represented family Gavialidae, a long-established group of crocodilians with long, slender snouts. The gharial is listed as a critically endangered species by IUCN. The gharial is one of the three crocodilians found in India,...
Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden4mo ago
I mean it looks awkward but i wouldn't say this movement style is seal like It quite literally just walks like a lower to the ground crocodile Crocs tend to keep their belly of the ground Gharial took laziness to the next level and just belly drags
Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden4mo ago
Yeah no similarities at all
Batman4mo ago
So, it's a myth that Gharial had to slide their bellies to move on land.
Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden4mo ago
I mean its technically sliding but they are still using their legs to drag themselves
Tanooki_Leaf4mo ago
No, pk has system when you unlock an animal it has several skins, that may be different species and even genera, it allows animal to have different models, like iirc when you unlock trex you get access to 3 skins, one of them is tarbosaurus(not trex exact species) and the other one is feathered one unlike other skins
Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden4mo ago
Okay i like that idea but dont like the idea of a seperate species literally just being a skin Would allow for variety with grizzly and himalayan just being skins of the same bear
Tanooki_Leaf4mo ago
They started doing exactly that recently(?) Like they separated american and eurasian lions The game is in early access so stuff changes
Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden4mo ago
American and eurasian cave lion were recently reclassed Panthera atrox and Panthera spelaea
Draca4mo ago
And then exist the fact that Warthhogs and meerkats doesn't hace interpespecues enrichment Man, the Timon and Pumba duo was based on their good relationships In terms of animal choice
Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden4mo ago
They are actually based on the symbiotic relationship between warthogs and banded mongoose But i get the idea Warthogs get along well with mongoose in general Despite being a pig and pigs often eat small animals, warthogs seem to have a preference for vegetation Mostly grasses and roots
Tanooki_Leaf4mo ago
By this logic all animals should be locked up in cells 1 by 1 for safety Small animals are nimble they can run away when needed Keeper can add supplements If they dont get along reparating exhibits or putting one of them in other one
Draca4mo ago
Also another thing about docile animals I mean It has logic that the animals that you can set free on nature are the ones with the enough instincts But that leaves paid animals without any interesting mechanics I'd go that captivity animals have higher chances of being more docile and tolerate other members whenever it's not the alpha
Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden4mo ago
This is actually how it mostly works last i checked To prevent fighting or killings the animals are well fed They might squabble a bit over specific food But thats about it
Draca4mo ago
Unfertilice could be also an advantage in case of males
Tanooki_Leaf4mo ago
Reminds me of some spec evo where most animals are kept in zoos and are bred to be more docile and easy to handle I think many people would do that In franchise
Draca4mo ago
As they mostly fight for mating, and caused by hormones (bears, lions, buffalos etc.). But I'd prefer the docile animals idea, since captivity could be a factor to breed animal more used to some rational captivity conditions And more interesting than just unballing them
Tanooki_Leaf4mo ago
I like the jwe2 idea of traits like intelligent that makes animal more appealing but more hard to keep because it escapes more often
Draca4mo ago
Yeah The idea is more or less done Why not applying it to Planet Zoo?
Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden4mo ago
Orangutans would be a nightmare It would also be cool if certain traits made certain animals more likely to use specific enrichment toys Intelligence would make the apes use the puzzle feeder more
Tanooki_Leaf4mo ago
I think its cool Like ken allen, he made san diego zoo very popular A lot of people came to see him
Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden4mo ago
But yeah personalities would be cool Personalities would make them do specific behaviours more Lazy animals tend to just nap alot Grumpy animals chase others around Shy animals hide more often Bold animals investigate guests and keepers Playful animals jump around and play with toys alot That would be very cool
Batman4mo ago
Even confident animals like elephants and penguins would have that trait?
Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden4mo ago
Every individual is different You can have shy elephants And brave rabbits Sometimes shy animals are more inclined to come out of their shell if they have a strong bond with a bolder animal Dogs are seen as very confident human loving animals, but you can get shy dogs
Batman4mo ago
Parents and babies interactions like animal mothers will nursing their babies, some animal mothers like crocodiles will carry babies on their back and some animal mothers will storage their foods for the babies like Wild Dogs.
Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden4mo ago
I beleive gharials are the only crocodilians that do the back thing Ive seen crocodiles carry their babies to the water in their mouth
Batman4mo ago
Alligators do it too.
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Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden3mo ago
Just hadnt seen many crocodilians do it Takin and domestic goat should have access to the goat climbing rock
Batman3mo ago
Add goofy animal statues like this.
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Tanooki_Leaf3mo ago
I think some statues are goofy, its style and stuff but still
Batman3mo ago
It would be cool if they add construction piece editor in PZ2 like you're able to build, modelling and create your own construction piece assets.
Tanooki_Leaf3mo ago
? Literally piece groups fr
Batman3mo ago
Anja "The Last Hope"
Improvements: Scaling of building pieces and a path brush instead of a fixed pathing system. Also a foliage brush. The one hour selling timer should be able to be set "if not sold to a player, release to the wild" as an option. Additions: A mode where you can go into the employee (keeper, caretaker, whatever) and do his jobs. As a bonus, not as a must do. To kill time while waiting for the 500 gharials to grow up for example.
It’d be good for zoos in career where Myers is broke
Tái_anh3mo ago
The pc2 pathing system, interspecies interactions, lemurs that can jump from verticals point to verticals point and when they’re climbing and sitting their tails don’t look like a cartoon cat tail
Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden3mo ago
Thats just how lemur tails are when they sit
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Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden3mo ago
Did you think the tail just stayed stiff in the air? It would be nice to see more of a variety in sitting poses though
Tái_anh3mo ago
Yeah like the s shaped tail while they’re sitting on the climbing log and they’re climbing
Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden3mo ago
Like when lemurs are cold they curl their tails around their neck like a scarf
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Tái_anh3mo ago
Oh, first I genuinely didn’t know lemurs did that and now I wanna see it second I mean like that kinda tail is the one I want
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Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden3mo ago
Okay yeah you should have specified you wanted that Yeah the tails should hang down when sitting on branches for balance
Rin Raiden
Rin Raiden3mo ago
I found out they also sometimes sit like this
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stinky_noob3mo ago
more customization of the habitat education board

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