WAF not helping -- 403 origin server request "Enable JavaScript and cookies to continue"?

So, long story short, I've got third party code on my origin server that is supposed to send a request to the site (on same origin) -- but whenever it does so, I get a 403 forbidden with the following in body: <span id="challenge-error-text">Enable JavaScript and cookies to continue</span> I've got multiple WAF rules set up to completely ignore javascript/bot/etc checks... Thoughts on what else I could/should try? I'm here because I've run out of ideas. Thanks!
4 Replies
Chaika5mo ago
Check Security -> Events and see which exact service is blocking it some like free's Bot Fight Mode aren't skippable and you'd just have to turn it off if that's what is causing it
RubenatorOP5mo ago
Oh, so I can't use a rule to skip bot fight mode when it's on? That's... kinda strange
Chaika5mo ago
Pro has Super Bot Fight Mode which is skippable, not just Free's, in the blog post announcing pro's Super Bot Fight Mode was configurable they said eventually Free would be skippable too, but not yet
RubenatorOP5mo ago
Oh well ty so much for the info. Bit frustrating in the meantime but -- is free so, guess can't complain ;p

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