ban server discord Valorant FR

Hello, I am looking for an answer and so I thought I could maybe have some clarifications and tips to some questions. I am a Valorant player and I have been banned from the Valorant FR discord server for almost 2 years now on which I was a member for 3 years. I do not dispute the decision of my ban which was justified (boosting) but I would like to know if it would be possible to join the VALORANT FR server again to play with my community again. (it's been a long time) Thank you for your attention to this message, as well as your potential answers. Have a good day.
5 Replies
ˇ5mo ago
go dm modmail
Thank you for your help, but the problem is the same, I need a contact from an administrator of the VALORANT FR server but being banned I can't have it
ˇ5mo ago
theres a server where you can appeal they will send you there
thank mate
James5mo ago
Please note we are not affiliated with Valorant FR Discord any bans there will have to be discussed with their own moderation team.

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