mfad5mo ago

First year law student needs fashion help

I'm a first-year law student with distinctive blue eyes (my one notable physical trait) whose headshots are coming up this Saturday. I'm definitely a "winter" dresser. I'm hoping to go into big law, which although it doesn't always require a suit-and-tie these days, that is definitely something you want for a first impression. In two weeks, I have the Malpractice bash, which is a "cocktail tire event." I have Big Law recruiting events after that. I currently own one formal pure blue shirt (very nice and expensive) and some casual-ish business dress shoes. My plan is: get a charcoal grey or navy suit and maybe a white shirt (either grey and blue or navy and white) and all the necessary accouterments off the rack from Maceys or similar. Wear it for the headshot, then hopefully get it fitted (not sure how long that takes) for Malpractice. With a tie that should work for LinkedIn and interviews, maybe get a less formal jacket to wear with the shirt for happy hours. Also dark brown actual dress shoes. What do you think? Any advice appreciated. Different color combinations are fine too.
8 Replies
raisinpie5mo ago
2 weeks is barely enough time, you pretty much have to get something tomorrow White shirt and a solid dark colored tie will do fine for both headshots and cocktail attire from Macy's you can get a Bar 3 suit which is probably your best option One week between headshots and the event is not enough to get a suit tailored, I would either skip the tailoring all together for now or skip the jacket for headshots A budget would also help
WieDelphine5mo ago
I would say that a blue shirt and a grey suit is probably going to look more casual than you want for law, and that a white shirt is a safer option. I would also probably suggest black rather than brown shoes. Some law firms (stupidly) will look down on those who wear brown shoes. Tbh they are also easier to match than browns, and given your time frame thats probably a plus I might be misunderstanding, but if you want a casual jacket, you will probably need a seperate pair of trousers that arent suit trousers, otherwise its going to look a bit off
bearOP5mo ago
Okay so tailoring for Malpractice is pretty much out of the question (I'm busy till 4:30 today anyway). If white shirt is preferable I kind of want to go navy For budget idk, Ive got a lot saved up but I'm on a fixed income (loans) for most of the next three years with big uncertainty after that, so maybe $500? Thanks for responding! Copy that. Definitely leaning towards navy and white for law (for some reason grey on white seems bland to me) Black shoes seem fine Copy in regards to trousers Thanks for responding! Question for both you guys -- how much should I care about suit material?
WieDelphine5mo ago
your budget probably limits your options For enviromental reasons I'm against polyester blends, although you may not be able to avoid them given your budget avoid anything fully polyster, it wont breath properly tbh Id just focus on fit, thats the thing people will notice more than material, unless they are a suit nerd
zeometer5mo ago
for me suit material is primarily a concern of how warm it will feel - my suits are (standard) wool that i wear year round without issue, whereas sport coats and blazers are more specialized
bearOP5mo ago
Good to know, planning to go shopping Thrusday
raisinpie5mo ago
bar 3 is a Macy's brand and was <$200 last I checked, so that leaves plenty for the shoes For shoes in your budget you could go clarks or Allen Edmonds
bearOP5mo ago
I see, thank you everyone, Ill let you know if I have any more questions and post the fit when Im done

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