How to use npm run dev?
Hello everyone.
I'm currently using cloudflare to develop backend.
But I can't run num run dev,
So I have no choice but to deploy with the num run depoly command.
If anyone knows how to run the npm run dev command, please let me know.
8 Replies
What app are you deploying? Is it on Pages? Workers? Are you using a framework?
I am deploying to Workers.
Can u help me?
Can you share your code?
Why do I need code to run it locally?
You need code to run the Worker at all, if that is what you mean?
Some features of Workers only run remotely. It is easier for me to check if this is the case if you provide me with the code in question
So what if I create a new project and just want to run 'Hello world'?
I wanna use npm run dev command
Have you tried
npm create cloudflare@latest
I created like that.