Zstandard applies to my site somehow

Hi there, I didn't enable compression-rules for my site, https://huntukvisasponsors.com/. However, today I just noticed that my site turns to zstd and caused my website downtime. Right now, I need to manually apply a compression-rules with gzip to prevent this issue. Do you know why?
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6 Replies
Chaika5mo ago
They're rolling zstd out to all free plans. There shouldn't be any breakage, how did it cause your website downtime?
wagmiOP5mo ago
My client side is using nextjs. nextjs's server side rendering is using nodejs to fetch my APIs and it couldn't parse zstd.
Chaika5mo ago
interesting, it shouldn't be passing Accept-Encoding zstd if it can't accept it though. You'd only get zstd if it tells it that it is supported
wagmiOP5mo ago
yeah, not sure why. right now, I need to configure compression-rules manually to use br compression. If I disable, it falls back to zstd. do you know how cloudflare decides which compression mechanism to use by default?
Chaika5mo ago
It looks at what the client tells them it can accept in Accept-Encoding, and then picks the most efficient from that (basically zstd -> brotli -> gzip -> deflate in order)
wagmiOP5mo ago
Makes sense. However, I just checked my request. The request header is using accept-encoding: gzip, deflate Ah I found an issue in my code base. I diretly mirror client side request's header to server's header which caused this issue. Thanks a lot for the help

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