older bazzite versions

Hi! I couldn't find out if there is a place where I can download older Bazzite releases from. The version of Unity3D doesn't run on the current Bazzite and I'll try to make a custom image, but first, it would be good to find out which nVidia driver could I use that is compatible with Unity 2021.3.9 (or at least with the latest Unity 2021 version). So, are the older versions available somewhere?
rpm-ostree rebase ostree-unverified-registry:ghcr.io/ublue-os/[image-name]:[tag]
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60 Replies
asen235d ago
you can use bazzite-rollback-helper alternatively you can see the tag in the github too
László Molnár
Ok, I started with the rollback helper, and chose a version: 40-stable-2024-06-30. But, I received this error when started the rollback:
error: Creating importer: Failed to invoke skopeo proxy method OpenImage: remote error: cryptographic signature verification failed: invalid signature when validating ASN.1 encoded signature
error: Creating importer: Failed to invoke skopeo proxy method OpenImage: remote error: cryptographic signature verification failed: invalid signature when validating ASN.1 encoded signature
I found an issue and it seems some signing keys got lost:https://github.com/ublue-os/bazzite/issues/1316 But how can I solve this issue, to be able to roll back from the latest stable?
Can't use System update - invalid signature when validating ASN.1 e...
Describe the bug Hello, I installed the nvidia KDE version of bazzite just 2 days ago. Today I wanted to update to the most recent release, but unfortunately, I keep getting the following error: Pu...
asen235d ago
the image before july are broken so the last working image are probably 2nd of july iirc
László Molnár
I've started to rebase to the 2nd of July image, but if the GPU driver is not working, I would need to go further back. Is there no way to get the older images from the list? I read about the key loss but I don't want to update from the old images. I just want to find a GPU driver version that works for me and will try to make a custom image with that driver, but newer stuff around (at least, that's the plan).
asen235d ago
you can try to rebase to unverified image i guess
asen235d ago
rpm-ostree rebase ostree-unverified-registry:ghcr.io/ublue-os/[image-name]:[tag]
asen235d ago
you need to manually type it
László Molnár
How should I imagagine the release cycle? If I find an unverified version that is close in release date to a stable one, it is most probably close-to-stable, most of the time? Or the stables are not made from the unverified?
asen235d ago
unverified means the security check is bypassed i think the image otherwise is the same
László Molnár
oh, I see. So, I can get the name from the stable list and use it here, to install an unverified?
asen235d ago
László Molnár
thanks for the help! The first rebase takes some time, so if that doesn't work, I'll probably do these rebases next week.
László Molnár
I'm still receiving the same error. What am I doing wrong?
rpm-ostree rebase ostree-unverified-registry:ghcr.io/ublue-os/bazzite:40-stable-20240502
Pulling manifest: ostree-unverified-registry:ghcr.io/ublue-os/bazzite:40-stable-20240502
error: Creating importer: Failed to invoke skopeo proxy method OpenImage: remote error: cryptographic signature verification failed: invalid signature when validating ASN.1 encoded signature
rpm-ostree rebase ostree-unverified-registry:ghcr.io/ublue-os/bazzite:40-stable-20240502
Pulling manifest: ostree-unverified-registry:ghcr.io/ublue-os/bazzite:40-stable-20240502
error: Creating importer: Failed to invoke skopeo proxy method OpenImage: remote error: cryptographic signature verification failed: invalid signature when validating ASN.1 encoded signature
tulip5d ago
could you send the output from rpm-ostree status -v? you might be on a broken build have you checked out #🚨announcements ?
asen235d ago
hes trying to rebase to older build, i thought unverified will bypass the error you maybe need to rebase to unverified stable then to your tag
László Molnár
Do you have some info on how to do that? I haven't found anything useful about the repo names, unfortunately. I'm not at home right now, but I rebased to build 20240702 if I recall correctly, and want to move to an even earlier build to find out which nvidia driver works with Unity3d 2021.
asen235d ago
rebase to :stable first then to your desired tag
László Molnár
So, like this? rpm-ostree rebase ostree-unverified-registry:ghcr.io/ublue-os/stable:40-20240630?
asen234d ago
the 40-20240630 become stable its a tag not image name
László Molnár
I'm sorry, I don't get this. Could you give me a full example command? I will understand, if I see it
asen234d ago
rpm-ostree rebase ostree-unverified-registry:ghcr.io/ublue-os/bazzite:stable
László Molnár
I see now, thank you! Currently, I'm working but will try it when I get home and get back to you if it was successful It started the downloads. That'll take a while, so I'll report back later, maybe tomorrow. okay, now I have this:
rpm-ostree status -v
State: idle
AutomaticUpdates: disabled
● ostree-unverified-registry:ghcr.io/ublue-os/bazzite:stable (index: 0)
Digest: sha256:c6bc19f69858a129e94f38ae021badd47e209ec07c05504127542195607f9487
Version: 40.20241013.0 (2024-10-14T05:04:39Z)
Commit: 94abacffccaa1acef1fcfff644caa729d915d727f75ec797f274e7c9d2b1be09
Staged: no
StateRoot: default
rpm-ostree status -v
State: idle
AutomaticUpdates: disabled
● ostree-unverified-registry:ghcr.io/ublue-os/bazzite:stable (index: 0)
Digest: sha256:c6bc19f69858a129e94f38ae021badd47e209ec07c05504127542195607f9487
Version: 40.20241013.0 (2024-10-14T05:04:39Z)
Commit: 94abacffccaa1acef1fcfff644caa729d915d727f75ec797f274e7c9d2b1be09
Staged: no
StateRoot: default
My problem is, that it is not an nvidia image. It also changed to KDE from GNOME, but I can live with that. I guess this is an AMD image(?) at least Bazzite Portal wanted to install AMD Lact. How can I be sure that the next version I install will be nvidia? I found out. It's bazzite-nvidia:stable instead of bazzite:stable Can I somehow increase the download speed? It takes 2.5 hour because it uses less then 1MByte/s. I have way more bandwith than that.
Corpus4d ago
wait, you changed DEs?
asen234d ago
oh i forgot, you should use your current image i assumed your current image because its bazzite here changing de is bad and will cause problems
László Molnár
Yes, I didn't want to change desktop env, but at least now I know how to change unverified versions, and this is just a test install anyways. The funny thing is, that I may have found the real reason why Unity was freezing. The nvidia driver is not the problem, but the flatpak has the wrong dependencies packed in it. I need to test further, but I was able to boot up Unity with an old Unity Hub flatpak.
Linus Xu
Linus Xu3d ago
Not related but Unity Hub has a flatpak???
László Molnár
Yes, on flathub.org But the latest version is only working with unity 2022 (and with newer versions, probably)
asen233d ago
the flatpak arent official presumably did you try running it inside distrobox?
László Molnár
Not yet, there is a lot to learn for me. I know what distrobox is, tried it, but not with unity hub.
asen233d ago
its not hard create one with boxbuddy/terminal if you are comfortable with one and install normally
László Molnár
With ubuntu backend? That's supported by unity hub.
asen233d ago
you can use either ubuntu or fedora they support both use the one you are most familiar
László Molnár
Wait, now I remember. I tried it, followed the official unity linux tutorial, but was not working with unity 2021. The same gtk error happened
asen233d ago
which distro? maybe try the other one
László Molnár
I'll try it again when I get home. I tried with ubuntu I'm running out of ideas. I tried distrobox, installed Unity 3.7.0, and couldn't sign in, because it opened Firefox for sign-in, and Firefox couldn't get back to Unity. Upgraded to Unity 3.8.0 -> worked, but Unity 2021 fails to start. Downgraded to 3.6.1, it's already signed in, but still, Unity fails to load. I'm guessing - because it's just Unity Hub, and the Editor is a different application - the Editor uses the main machine's resources, and those are too new and fails. I have two (hopefully last two) questions: 1. can I somehow force the Unity Editor to use the fedora installed in the Distrobox (where the UnityHub is started from)? 2. If I can't, I have a security-related question. These are the packages that were seriously downgraded by the UnityHub 3.7.0 installation when it happened on my main system, from a flatpak: org.freedesktop.Platform 22.08 There was a list with all the individual packages: - org.freedesktop.Platform.Compat.i386 22.08 - org.freedesktop.Platform.GL.default 22.08 - org.freedesktop.Platform.GL.default 22.08-extra - org.freedesktop.Platform.VAAPI.Intel 22.08 - org.freedesktop.Sdk.Locale 22.08 - org.freedesktop.Sdk 22.08 These are no longer receiving fixes and security updates. What are these packages, what kind of problems they may cause and should I be very concerned? I want to develop (Unity, GIMP, Blender mainly) and play mainly on this machine.
tulip3d ago
id recommend you to use the distrobox for developing in unity, having those runtimes on your host isnt the best idea since they dont have tons of security updates although its mostly sandboxed so it should reeeeally matter that much you can install firefox inside of the distrobox you installed unity on then just log in into it and it should be fine gimp and blender should be good on flatpak
László Molnár
how can I install the unity editor inside the distrobox when I'm installing it from the unityhub UI?
tulip3d ago
where is the unityhub ui is coming from?
László Molnár
from the distrobox
tulip3d ago
the editor should be installed there automatically too! since the hub is also there
László Molnár
okay, I have an install onging, hoping it will work. Originally the unityhub picked up the already existing unity installs and those were not working
tulip3d ago
clean those up, theyre running in different systems so they might be linked to some weird dependencies and whatever else the new one should hopefully work
László Molnár
okay, I had this assumption. Already deleted one Editor and now the installation onging, but this time from the distrobox-unityhub unfortunately, it's not working the same error as it is when running on the main system
tulip3d ago
what error are you getting?
László Molnár
it always fails at 'initial database refresh' and usually it's some GTK error
asen233d ago
if you have the log, it would help debug better
László Molnár
Yep, I checked it yesterday night before going to sleep, and this time, I haven't seen any errors. Still loading freezes the same. But, that gave me an idea. If I create a new fedora distrobox, install flatpak in it and install the unityhub 3.7.0 flatpak, would that work? I'm still grabbing how distrobox work. Correct me, if I'm wrong, but right now I imagine it like this: when I start something in distrobox, and it needs some lib, it tries to find it inside its distrobox image. If it can't find it, it tries to find it on the main system. Is this correct? Also, I have some doubts about starting a distrobox and installing a flatpak inside, performance-wise. Does flatpak simply contains the dependencies, or is it doing some more performance-heavy containerizing (or something else)? Because running a container inside a container doesn't sound too as a bright idea..
asen233d ago
using flatpak inside distrobox shouldnt have any benefit if it wont run in host then it almost likely wont run inside distrobox also afaik distrobox wont use deps from host at all they share some path like your home but thats it also did you try --nvidia flag with distrobox?
László Molnár
No, didn't know about that. What's it doing?
asen233d ago
it will try to use the host driver
László Molnár
I see, found it in the docs. Funny that only nvidia needs this. So, basically until this point the distrobox used my integrated vga, am I correct? I thought about installing flatpak because it installs a lot of dependencies, and maybe one of those deps needed to make unity 2021 working. But that's just an idea
asen233d ago
not sure about that, but probably yeah
László Molnár
so, these are the gtk errors I'm receiving:
(Unity:22530): Gtk-CRITICAL **: 19:16:24.747: gtk_window_set_default_icon: assertion 'GDK_IS_PIXBUF (icon)' failed

(Unity:22530): GLib-GObject-CRITICAL **: 19:16:24.747: g_object_unref: assertion 'G_IS_OBJECT (object)' failed
Gtk-Message: 19:16:24.770: Failed to load module "colorreload-gtk-module"
(Unity:22530): Gtk-CRITICAL **: 19:16:24.747: gtk_window_set_default_icon: assertion 'GDK_IS_PIXBUF (icon)' failed

(Unity:22530): GLib-GObject-CRITICAL **: 19:16:24.747: g_object_unref: assertion 'G_IS_OBJECT (object)' failed
Gtk-Message: 19:16:24.770: Failed to load module "colorreload-gtk-module"
I already installed a distrobox with --nvidia and latest fedora, installed unityhub 3.7.0 and the error is from that log. Now, I'm trying the same with fedora 38 image as a base
László Molnár
Here is the log of starting unityhub from the distrobox terminal: https://pastebin.com/01qnPnDW Now, even the loading screen doesn't appear for some reason, so this latest try with fedora 38 seems to be a fail for now
Gtk-Message: 19:34:30.681: Failed to load module "colorreload-gtk-m...
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László Molnár
I've also installed Unity 3.7.0 natively on the main bazzite, with yum (complained a bit that it's an rpm-ostree system but instaled without issues) and tried the unity 2021, but with the same result. Full Editor.log of a new, empty project (frozen while loading): https://pastebin.com/h17UeRk9
Unity Editor version: 2021.3.9f1 (ad3870b89536)Branch: ...
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asen232d ago
the colorreload-gtk-module seems to be kde related thing and probably can be ignored the error here is missing libgl so you can try sudo dnf install libglvnd-glx-1 dont use yum, use rpm-ostree to manage layered package
László Molnár
Thanks! I'll try it when I get home. In the meantime I installed gnome nvidia bazzite from scratch. Hoping this is my final install. I mean the installed from scratch, from the image on bazzite site Ok, this is strange, but it started working now. I installed distrobox with --nvidia, fedora 38. Installed Unity Hub 3.7.0 and gdm because it complained and didn't start. That's the same I did on the previous system. I started the distrobox and started up an empty project with unity 2021 and it loaded. For some reason it is not complaining about libglvnd. Maybe because his is GNOME? Unfortunately, it's slow, but this test machine is a laptop with a gtx1060 (still, it should be way faster). My main system I want to use has a gtx1080, so hopefully that will be far better. Thank you for the help! I'm hoping the install of the main system will go smoother now. BTW, do you know where the distrobox images stored on disk? I found .local/share/containers, but that's like 180MB, so it can't be the place, and I couldn't find anything else with google. Also, it looks like the Unity Editor started from this unity hub doesn't save my changes. I had to accept one-time licenses like three times and they still displayed again. Any ideas how to fix this? The editor is in my home directory, outside of the distrobox
tulip9h ago
they should be on .local/share/containers! ahaha yeah the images are rather small i just wonder where the containers themselves are tho
asen238h ago
could be gnome and kde differnce yeah its just podman so it should be on the .local/share/container
László Molnár
I used gnome's 'files' app to calc the size of that folder, and it's 183MB. The podman says, the image I created is more than 2GB, that's why I don't understand What can I do with the slow speed? First time I was successful (it was on KDE), it was ~60fps, now ~20, same project. That time it was an old flatpak with unityhub 3.7.0 and unity 2021.3.45. Now the speed is the same 20 with distrobox unityhub 3.7.0 and unity 2021.4 and flatpak unityhub 3.9.1 and unity 2022 (converted the project to see). What can I check to find out? On KDE the old flatpak downgraded freedesktop packages (that was my problem with that), but that's all. I guess KDE and gnome shouldn't differ in performance this much, or am I wrong?
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