POV: Dia+ IQ but Iron IQ teammates against Better team
After upgrading from a shit pc to a gaming laptop, I went from silver 1 to gold 3 in a few days. Winning a lot of the matches making the matchmaking think that I'm a smurf. Now hardstuck gold 2, with teammates that tells you to stfu whenever I comm like a Dia+ player. How tf do I even play the game properly?
14 Replies
And how long have u been in gold for?
i mean
youre barely losing any rr
whats the issue
youll get plat soon
4 acts
with no duo
this is 1/4 of the losses I get
plus a lot tells me to stfu when comms
and a lot don't even hold site
make some friends in swiftplay
I don't really think that there are good players in swiftplay, especially in APAC
if NA or EU, its more understandable why
uhhh that's not really true I've played on apac quite a bit and have a lot of friends there
it's not just you're gnna start playing comp with someone you meet you might make friends through them idk just like making friends in real life
just play with people you enjoy playing with
thats hard to do honestly
but I'm going to be honest
if you're much better than a rank
it's really easy to get out
like I don't play that much anymore but if I make a new account it'll probably put me straight in plat
Well, not if ur playstyle really depends on ur entire team
that is true, to some extent
there is still a massive difference in just straight up being better than the rest of the lobby
yeah, all I heard from my team is stfu
so, quite useless
yeah people do not give a fuck about comms in lower lobbies
but if you're nice / not backseat tooooo much
they don't really get mad
Thats true
yeah so look at it from their perspective too
they're probably trying to have fun and someone is telling them everything to do