
Im hardstuck bronze and i cant get out...

I usally topfrag every game and do really good but the issue isnt me, its mostly my teammates, no smokes, no help, not even holding angles or pushing with me, i main duelist too, i entry, kill 3 and die, and they still somehow loose the round, honestly my teammates are just horrible, they always either afk or just simplely be toxic or troll, not to mention my MMR.
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41 Replies
weq6d ago
I need help generally
weq6d ago
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Strakchy6d ago
you're stacking with Dia-Asc. Why don't you stop playing with those guys and go solo or play with those within your elo? If you're really that good, then you won't get hard stuck in your elo since you can easily beat people in your elo.
weq6d ago
teammates If i die, we loose the round.
Strakchy6d ago
If the problem is with your teammates, then you gotta find new ones that don't rely on you more than they should if they're doing generally good, you shouldn't be hard stuck
weq6d ago
I am Either 4 happens, toxic/bad teammates, smurf, troll, or usally just good teammates
호나6d ago
if your mmr was diamond you would gain 200rr in one match and lose like 5 rr
jidat6d ago
Avg bronze complaining about teammates
호나6d ago
fr it's harder to stay in bronze then get out if you're even gold
jidat6d ago
All the people below gold just have a skill issue nothing else People rly expect to get tenz on their team in bronze eh Its called bronze for a reason
rinny6d ago
JESUS FUCKING CHRIST stop give stecking Five st@cking? Stop that yea no way your mmr is diamond If you win a game you would get triple rankup you cant be losing 100% of the games you play dont blame your teammates, if you wanna five st@ck then do it with your own elo wtf u expect when u Q with asc If you are truly good then you should have placed silver High low idk but you are in the rank you deserve to be in I placed iron 3 when i began the game, and thouht i deserved a way higher rank I was hardstuck for a while in bronze Then i ranked up to silver and then gold I created a new account and then boom I placed silver3 wht im trying tk say is stop thinking you deserve a higher rank Youwill eventually climb out I climbed to gold 2 on the account in 2 games witha. double rankup toi I thought silver was hard back then Now its a piece of cake Just solo queue spam duelist
evan6d ago
bronze mainly need good mechanics game sense isnt as important in that elo if ur top fragging yet losing ur not getting enough impact to win the round
rinny6d ago
evan6d ago
warmup always
rinny6d ago
warmup not needed for bronze
evan6d ago
i do my kovaaks playlist and then hop into a deathmatch and then queue ranked
rinny6d ago
too low of a rank to take seriously
evan6d ago
if ur really trying to get out its best to at least play a deathmatch/tdm
rinny6d ago
i just instaqueue comp justto go 1-13 with 0 impact I heard it fatigue your arm or smth
evan6d ago
not really
rinny6d ago
Even without warmup my aim is still legendary, mby just my ego
evan6d ago
if u put too much tension then yea but warming up is the best way to stay consistent yo what rank r u rin
rinny6d ago
G1 46 rr?
evan6d ago
and some people arm get tired when aim training and it was like that for me too but i got used to it and tried not playing as long aim training sessions oh ok
rinny6d ago
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evan6d ago
oh nah my carrer lookin green rn
rinny6d ago
Dbl rankup for nth
evan6d ago
im in ascendant its a shit rank like elo hell rank
rinny6d ago
Elo hell is immo and iron trust
evan6d ago
bro it thinks im looking for group requests iron is easy ascendant is hell
rinny6d ago
so easy that its hard
evan6d ago
ok so warmup, adapt to new opponents, take breaks in between games
rinny6d ago
trust me ive played iron lobbies on my friends alt its all shooting squads
evan6d ago
ascendant is the first rank ive been stuck in diamond-ascendant
rinny6d ago
Hmm i hope i can get to asc one day and see how bad it is
evan6d ago
gl on that its just straight elo hell
rinny6d ago
before I can i need to get over the enemy reyna diffing me by 10 kills :logo_VCT:
evan6d ago
i started playing in episode 8 and kept going up a new division each act like gold plat diamond and then ascendant is where im getting the most stuck
rinny6d ago
U dont get washed? Ive seen so many peak ascs do terrible in my gold lobbies Wow u must be the rare one and only asc that is able to stay in asc
evan6d ago
nah im not washed i played with a silver-gold mmr premier team against silver and golds i dropped 30 on viper which isnt my best role im just a young kid with a passion for games
rinny6d ago
Same bro To this
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