Captcha challenges

Heya! Recelntly ive been having an issue with captchas on operagx, wanted to know what I could do about it. The code is 100270 and I couldnt find it online, any tips?
2 Replies
Chaika5mo ago
Errors with captchas are usually some combination of bad extensions (faking/changing UA is a common one), outdated browsers, local antivirus/firewall issues. Do you get the issue in a browser like Firefox without extensions. If you don't, try without extensions in opera. Could also be one of the built in settings it has, I know some of those alt. browsers package some interesting options by default
krazyOP5mo ago
Was working with previous versions of OperaGX but have been having problems with it for around 2 months now. Tried with no extensions at all and still have issues. On other browsers, such as google, it does work even with extensions

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