Switching to desktop, I get a nice wallpaper desktop background titled image, but no control ...

- There's no mouse or keyboard, or joypad control either. - The big button in the middle of my xbox control doesn't pull up the "system menu" like it does while I'm in Steam Game Mode, which the game mode works fine on this box. - My hardware is a Bee link!!!! NUC a-like AMD 7000 series UPDATE: I had USB-C and HDMI plugged into the same portable monitor. So, I just pulled out the HDMI cable, and picture comes thru just fine over the USB-C, as well as, I can now see the rest of the Desktop!!! so it works now! ... Glad I don't need the extra HDMI cable anyway πŸ™‚
1 Reply
HikariKnightβ€’6mo ago
what im guessing is that what you saw was extended desktop and the mouse and keyboard was on the "other monitor" or rather the other monitor input

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