i wanna play with my friend he is new but i dont wanna go in with my main
the players will be to good i wanna paly with him on an new acound in swift is that like bannable or smurfing ?
8 Replies
what's the issue with playing swift on main
also no you can make as many accounts as you want without getting banned
only rule is
you can't play bad on purpose
oh okay
cuse the lets say i am imortal then ill make an alt acount i would drop 25 in swift
and is that bannable
i am not imortal btw
nope not bannable
just you can't throw on purpose
you have to play as good as you can
Ehhhhh u don't have to
ehh you do
I've seen ppl
get banned
for purposefully
staying in a lower rank
They are playing switfs..
quite sure
it still counts
but eh
dont if u dont wanna
Nobody in their right mind will report you for soft tossing swifts, even if they do, who tf is gonna ban you, and even if you don't get banned you can just make another account
Alt accounts aren't bannable, just sharing accounts.
You could also try self nerfs like inverting your sense or something
If you got a controller you can use rewasd to play on it.