URL action
Hi team,
What control do we have over the message displayed to the user when they trigger a URL action (https://developers.thoughtspot.com/docs/custom-action-url)? I know it displays the code and says successful/failed based on that. Is there anything else we can control? Does it use any fields in the response other than status code?
We have our own API that we are triggering with the URL action so we can control the response format and content.
Thank you!
4 Replies
hey @joel , let me check
meanwhile can you give custom action a try, using that you can call the api on your end and customize the behaviour as per your needs
hey @joel
for url action you will just get an pop up if its sucess along with the embed data being sent to the url as POST
i think an Callback custom action is what you need
Hey @Justin Mathew , thanks, for this use we are not in embedded just TS directly so I don't think we can use custom actions instead unless I've misunderstood
got it, if so URL action makes sense
@utsav.kapoor @Nicolas -> User might need ability to customize URL actions
this would be a feature request right ?
Yes this is definitely a feature request