Hi Team,
Hi Team,
How can I format a link to an external location in an answer on Thoughtspot platform directly (not embedded). I was trying to get this basic formula working:
concat("{caption}","my link","{/caption}","google.com")
which I expected to give me a link on "my link" to google.com. Instead it gives a link to "https://<thoughtspot-server>.cloud/google.com". Is there some setting I have to turn off somewhere to get my links to not be appended to the server url?15 Replies
Where are you creating this formula?
On the answer I'm building in search data
Can you create a support ticket for this? The relevant team should be able to help you..
Is there a chat/synchronous place I can go instead? Support tickets are taking days to resolve even simple questions
I see, let me take this up internally and send you an update
@joel - You can ask the question on in-app support . They can help you out
@utsav.kapoor , thank you. How do I get to in-app support I only see FAQ/docs on the "?" icon
You should have a button like this on the bottom right of your screen
I do not
What is your company name ? I can check with Customer Success team why this is not enabled for your cluster
And are you using Cluster directly or you are using embed environment to create this answer ?
cluster directly, not embedded
Cool. Let me ping Customer success and see why in app support is not available
Hey @joel - Had a chat with the Customer Success team and looks like in app chat sipport is not enabled for your cluster. Can you create a support ticket so in app support can be enabled for your cluster ?
Yes, I did. Case no 00374893
Thank you
Any chance someone could help with my original question in the meantime please?
In case anyone has similar question in future:
Support was able to help with original question. The resolution was that the https:// prefix must be supplied otherwise it will exhibit the appending behavior.