Hello, Is there any cookie banner template for zaraz or only the default banner. If there are any a

Hello, Is there any cookie banner template for zaraz or only the default banner. If there are any alternative anyone show me the resource please
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_fe_he5mo ago
I hope this is the right place to ask. When I check the code for the ManagedComponents (e.g. floodlight) I noticed that the calls against the api are still client-sided (client.fetch) and also the Zaraz debugger is showing me "Client-Side network request). Is there a reason this is not done server-sided (manager.fetch)?
Mackenly5mo ago
Zaraz Performance Optimization What are the best practices for speeding up Zaraz loads? I've been noticing on some sites that the initial Zaraz s.js is taking about 800ms. If manually loaded, could we do it async so that it starts loading asap rather than being deferred?
Derek Cavaliero
Derek Cavaliero5mo ago
Is it possible to change the base path from which Zaraz loads its main JS file and the path used for ingesting data via the zaraz.track or zaraz.ecommerce methods?
Lzok5mo ago
Hello all! How're you? I know the docs say this is not recommended, but I want to ask if you have any experience and even if this could be at least 2% effective. I am working with a client that has GTM with a good number of tags and tools there. I can't migrate each one to Zaraz right now as recommended for a number of reasons. My question is, can I load the whole GTM through Zaraz and see a bit of performance improved? Do you have any experience doing this that can tell me some caveats or good stuff to keep in mind? This week I loaded Hubspot through Zaraz and it went flawless. Thanks in advance!
ItsTobias5mo ago
The only way to load GTM through Zaraz is to just use a custom html module to inject the html for the GTM tag. As such there's no way for it to improve the performance of GTM, Zaraz is not doing anything except including the JavaScript for the GTM JS. The only benefit you could see from this would be from delaying the loading of GTM until after consent or something like that which is likely to break GTM rather than improve performance.
Matthias5mo ago
we switched from GTM to zaraz and for the most part everything is working fine, but our GA4 sessions seem to be pretty broken. for example one of our employees in martinque is browsing the site, but we are seeing 3 sessions instead of 1. does anybody know how to fix this?
Derek Cavaliero
Derek Cavaliero5mo ago
One thing I am struggling with a bit with Zaraz is the control over how my zaraz.track event payloads get transformed for each individual tool (e.g. GA4 vs Meta). There are some events that I may want to be translated over to a "standard/recommended" event on Meta or GA4 but I'd like to use our own event schema to dictate how those events are translated. Is this something that you'd use the context enricher for?
Md Rashedul Islam
Md Rashedul IslamOP5mo ago
I want to position cookie banner like the below image, how can i achieve this
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_fe_he5mo ago
Hi everyone, we are using the "Bing" Component (https://github.com/managed-components/bing) and I think I found a bug in it. The "Currency" is sent to bing as a parameter which is called "gvc" but according to the documentation of Bing (https://help.ads.microsoft.com/apex/index/3/en/53056/) it should be called "gc". Therefore our currency is not recognized at Bing and not shown in the events..
GitHub - managed-components/bing: Bing Analytics
Bing Analytics. Contribute to managed-components/bing development by creating an account on GitHub.
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ItsTobias5mo ago
For awareness, we have just been investigating an incredibly intermittent issue with sending Zaraz track events from the client browser using zaraz.ecommerce() on one of our sites. We identified that the issues was caused by CF Rocket Loader being enabled on the domain (This was the only site it was enabled for and the only site experiencing these issues.) Once we disabled the Rocket Loader service the issues went away. We have reviewed the docs and it does mention they dont work well together here:
Can I use Zaraz with Rocket Loader? We recommend disabling Rocket Loader when using Zaraz. While Zaraz can be used together with Rocket Loader, there’s usually no need to use both. Rocket Loader can sometimes delay data from reaching Zaraz, causing issues.
but I would say that this isnt exactly what we encountered, we saw complete failures to call zaraz.ecommerce within the body section of the page, presumably because Rocket Loader had delayed the loading of Zaraz enough that this call happened ahead of the zaraz JS loading. Its also not obvious that these 2 services could interfere with each other, other than a small note in the FAQ section of Zaraz. It would be good if the Zaraz config section in Cloudflare would include an error/information message saying something like "You have Rocket Loader enabled, this service does not work well with Zaraz, we advise disabling it or you may face tracking issues". The other issue obviously with disabling Rocket Loader is that this prevents Rocket Loader from being used on non Zaraz loaded libraries which is a little frustrating and a somewhat undisclosed negative of using Zaraz in Cloudflare.
schmekis5mo ago
Why, no matter what tool I try to add, do I get the error "no data found" I've watched every tutorial I can find online and nobody is having any issues. It takes them 2 minutes to set up the most basic setup. I've been working on this for hours and I can't even get GA4 to connect.: "Your Google tag wasn't detected " I can't get debug mode to work: "VM1366:1 Uncaught ReferenceError: zaraz is not defined at <anonymous>:1:1." I can't get anything to work! Can somebody please help. We can start with energymaxglobal.com looks like the domain had to be proxied, as the TikTok connection is now getting data. However after waiting for more than 30 minutes GA4 still isn't connecting.
While I'm guessing GA4 will sort itself out eventually as the proxy is just taking a long time to update.... I hope cloudflare will take this as a learning experience... I know cloudflare views the domain needing to be proxied as common sense, but it shouldn't. I wasted so much time, and maybe I'm the only one this dumb... but I doubt it. Others are going to rack their brain far longer than they need to. Thank you for this. I wish FAQ had appeared in all my searching. Come to think of it I've ignored every websites obligatory FAQ section for the last 20 years... I've just become to reliant on Google. Anyway - GA4 still isn't gathering data, I have now read all the FAQ, even deleted the tool and readded it hoping that might make a difference but still says... "no data found" I appreciate your help. I've also done multiple Chat GPT searches.
Lzok5mo ago
If, for some reason, you don't want or you need your main domain to not be proxied, you can create a subdomain proxied through cloudflare where you load these tools https://developers.cloudflare.com/zaraz/advanced/domains-not-proxied/
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Unknown User5mo ago
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